Radhanath Swami

H.H Radhanath Swami is one of today’s most beloved and respected spiritual teachers. A Bhakti Yoga practitioner for 40 years, he is a guide, community builder, philanthropist, and acclaimed author.Born and raised in Chicago,at the age of 19 he discovered India's Mystical devotional tradition and now spread his message of compassion and love around the world.

91-111 'Changing Our Consciousness (SB 10.01.42)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

vrajaàs tiñöhan padaikena yathaivaikena gacchati yathä tåëa-jalaukaivaà dehé karma-gatià gataù   Translation Just as a person traveling on the road rests one foot on the ground and then lifts the other, or as a worm on a vegetable transfers itself…

91-110 'Story Of Prostitute Pingala (SB 11.08.22-27)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

Text 22 piìgalä näma veçyäséd videha-nagare purä tasyä me çikñitaà kiïcin nibodha nåpa-nandana Translation: O son of kings, previously in the city of Videha  there dwelled a prostitute named Pingala .Now please hear what I have learned from that lady….

91-109 'Different Energies of Lord Krishna (CC Adi Lila 1.53)' by HH Radhanath Swami

aham eväsam evägre nänyad yat sad-asat param paçcäd ahaà yad etac ca yo ’vaçiñyeta so ’smy aham   Translation  Sat means “effect,” asat means “cause,” and param refers to the ultimate truth, which is transcendental to cause and effect. The…

91-107 'Krishna Always Glorifies His Devotees (SB 01.09.09)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 1.9.9)  tān sametān mahā-bhāgān upalabhya vasūttamaḥ pūjayām āsa dharma-jño deśa-kāla-vibhāgavit   Translation Bhīṣmadeva, who was the best amongst the eight Vasus, received and welcomed all the great and powerful ṛṣis who were assembled there, for he knew perfectly…