1991 Archives - Page 10 of 11 - Radhanath Swami Lecture Transcripts

91-021 'Punishment for a Vaishnava Offense (SB 9.4.68) by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya sadhavo hridayam mahyam sadhunam hridayam tv aham mad-anyat te na jananti naham tebhyo manag api   Translation The pure devotee is always within the core of My heart, and I am always in the heart of the pure devotee. My devotees do not know anything else but Me, and I do… Continue reading 91-021 'Punishment for a Vaishnava Offense (SB 9.4.68) by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

91-018 'Glories of Lord Shiva (BG 5.45)' by Radhanath Swami

ksiram yathä dadhi vikära-vishesha-yogät sanjäyate na hi tatah prthagastihetoh yah sambhutäm api tathä samupaiti käryäd govindam ädi-purusam tam aham bhajämi TRANSLATION: Just as milk is transformed into curd by the action of acids, but yet the effect curd is neither same as, nor different from its cause, viz., milk, so I adore the primeval Lord… Continue reading 91-018 'Glories of Lord Shiva (BG 5.45)' by Radhanath Swami

91-017 'Never Dream of Offending a Devotee (SB 9.4.55-59)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

Text 55 pratyäkhyäto virincena visnu-cakropatäpitah durväsäh shranam yätah sarvam kailäsa-väsinam Translation When Durväsä, who was greatly afflicted by the blazing fire of the Sudarsana cakra, was thus refused by Lord Brahmä, he tried to take shelter of Lord Shiva, who always resides on his planet, known as Kailäsa. Text 56 sri-sankara uväca vayam na täta… Continue reading 91-017 'Never Dream of Offending a Devotee (SB 9.4.55-59)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

91-012 'Spiritual Sentiments (BG 14.04), in Mumbai

Text 04 sarva-yonisu kaunteya mūrtayah sambhavanti yāh tāsāḿ brahma mahad yonir ahaḿ bīja-pradah pitā Translation It should be understood that all species of life, O son of Kunti, are made possible by birth in this material nature, and that I am the seed-giving father.   Purport by Srila Prabhupada In this verse it is clearly explained that… Continue reading 91-012 'Spiritual Sentiments (BG 14.04), in Mumbai

91-006 'Drinking Poison (SB 09.04.13-16), in Mumbai

näbhägäd ambaréño ‘bhün mahä-bhägavataù kåté näspåçad brahma-çäpo ‘pi yaà na pratihataù kvacit   From Näbhäga, Mahäräja Ambaréña took birth. Mahäräja Ambaréña was an exalted devotee, celebrated for his great merits. Although he was cursed by an infallible brähmaëa, the curse could not touch him.   çré-räjoväca bhagavaï chrotum icchämi räjarñes tasya dhémataù na präbhüd yatra… Continue reading 91-006 'Drinking Poison (SB 09.04.13-16), in Mumbai

91-004 'Pride Is Sin' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

Synthetic World Generally in this age people are not very inclined to understand the essence of anything. They are more concerned with making a show of performing some sort of external rituals. It is an age of synthetics. Computerization is synthetic intelligence. Practically every aspect of life is being computerized. Even the automobiles contain less… Continue reading 91-004 'Pride Is Sin' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

91-003 'Perfection of all knowledge (SB 8.24)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

The Power of the Vedas Today we are reading on this wonderful occasion in which the Supreme personality of Godhead in his incarnation as Matsya avatar explains the knowledge of the Vedas to his disciple Maharaja Satyavrata. The Vedas are a great mystery. Because whatever one wants to attain in life- whether one may be… Continue reading 91-003 'Perfection of all knowledge (SB 8.24)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

91-002 ‘The Greatest Miralcle (SB 08.24.54-58)’ by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

Om Namo Bagavathe Vasudevaya  Text-54 Sri-Suka uvaca ity uktavantam nrpatim bhagavän ädi-pürusah matsya-rüpi mahämbhodhau viharams tattvam abravit   Translation Sukadeva Gosvämi continued: When Satyavrata had thus prayed to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who had assumed the form of a fish, the Lord, while moving in the water of inundation, explained to him the Absolute… Continue reading 91-002 ‘The Greatest Miralcle (SB 08.24.54-58)’ by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai