Synthetic World Generally in this age people are not very inclined to understand the essence of anything. They are more concerned with making a show of performing some sort of external rituals. It is an age of synthetics. Computerization is synthetic intelligence. Practically every aspect of life is being computerized. Even the automobiles contain less… Continue reading 91-004 'Pride Is Sin' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
Category: Chapter 11
90-023 'Opening Spiritual Eyes (BG 11.04)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
TEXT 41 “saumyänuçoce tam adhaù-patantaà bhrätre paretäya vidudruhe yaù niryäpito yena suhåt sva-puryä ahaà sva-puträn samanuvratena” Srimad Bhagavatam 3.1.41 Synonyms : saumya—O gentle one; anuçoce—I lament; tam—him; adhaù-patantam—gliding down; bhrätre—on his brother’s; paretäya—death; vidudruhe—revolted against; yaù—one who; niryäpitaù—driven out; yena—by whom; suhåt—well-wisher; sva-puryäù—from his own house; aham—myself; sva-puträn—with his own sons; samanu-vratena—accepting the same… Continue reading 90-023 'Opening Spiritual Eyes (BG 11.04)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai