yoga-yukto viçuddhätmä vijitätmä jitendriyaù sarva-bhütätma-bhütätmä kurvann api na lipyate (BG 5.7) Synonyms (yoga-yuktah — engaged in devotional service; visuddha-atma — a purified soul; vijita-atma — self-controlled; jita-indriyah — having conquered the senses; sarva-bhuta — to all living entities; atma-bhuta-atma — compassionate; kurvan api — although engaged in work; na — never; lipyate — is entangled)… Continue reading 91-007 'Smashing the Illusion of False Ego (BG 5.7) by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
Category: Chapter 5
93-060 'The Power Of Holyname (BG 05.18)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
vidyä-vinaya-sampanne brähmaëe gavi hastini çuni caiva çva-päke ca paëòitäù sama-darçinaù (BG 5.18) Translation He humble sage by work to his true acknowledges. Sees with equal vision alerted and gentle Brahman a cow and an elephant, a dog, and a dog eater. Purport : A Kåñëa conscious person does not make any distinction between… Continue reading 93-060 'The Power Of Holyname (BG 05.18)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
91-007 ‘Smashing The Illusion Of False Ego (BG 5.7)’ Lecture by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
[BG 5.7] yoga-yukto viçuddhätmä vijitätmä jitendriyaù sarva-bhütätma-bhütätmä kurvann api na lipyate Synonyms (yoga-yuktah — engaged in devotional service; visuddha-atma — a purified soul; vijita-atma — self-controlled; jita-indriyah — having conquered the senses; sarva-bhuta — to all living entities; atma-bhuta-atma — compassionate; kurvan api — although engaged in work; na — never; lipyate — is entangled)… Continue reading 91-007 ‘Smashing The Illusion Of False Ego (BG 5.7)’ Lecture by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
91-018 'Glories of Lord Shiva (BG 5.45)' by Radhanath Swami
ksiram yathä dadhi vikära-vishesha-yogät sanjäyate na hi tatah prthagastihetoh yah sambhutäm api tathä samupaiti käryäd govindam ädi-purusam tam aham bhajämi TRANSLATION: Just as milk is transformed into curd by the action of acids, but yet the effect curd is neither same as, nor different from its cause, viz., milk, so I adore the primeval Lord… Continue reading 91-018 'Glories of Lord Shiva (BG 5.45)' by Radhanath Swami