ye me matam idaà nityam anutiñöhanti mänaväù çraddhävanto ’nasüyanto mucyante te ’pi karmabhiù Translation Those persons who executed duties according to My injunctions and who follow this teaching faithfully, without envy, become free from the bondage of fruitive actions. Purport The injunction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, is the essence of all… Continue reading 95-004 ‘Our Aspiration To Chant Humbly (BG 03.31)’ by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
Category: Bhagavad Gita
94-134 'Go Beyond The Three Modes (BG 14.5)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
sattvaà rajas tama iti guëäù prakåti-sambhaväù nibadhnanti mahä-bäho dehe dehinam avyayam Translation: Material nature consists of three modes—goodness, passion and ignorance. When the eternal living entity comes in contact with nature, O mighty-armed Arjuna, he becomes conditioned by these modes. Purport The living entity, because he is transcendental, has nothing to do with this material… Continue reading 94-134 'Go Beyond The Three Modes (BG 14.5)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
94-055 'Purpose of Yajna (BG 3.10)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
In the beginning of creation the Lord of all creatures sent forth generations of man and demigods along with sacrifices for Vishnu and blessed them by saying, “Be thou happy by this yajna because its performance will bestow upon you all desirable things” Performance of Tapasya We are reading this evening from the tenth… Continue reading 94-055 'Purpose of Yajna (BG 3.10)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
94-028 'Lord Krishna The Supreme Well Wisher (BG 9.22)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
ananyäç cintayanto mäà ye janäù paryupäsate teñäà nityäbhiyuktänäà yoga-kñemaà vahämy aham But those who worship me with devotion, meditating on my transcendental form—to them I carry what they lack, and preserve what they have. Purport One who is unable to live for a moment without Kåiñhëa consciousness cannot but think of Kåiñhëa twenty-four… Continue reading 94-028 'Lord Krishna The Supreme Well Wisher (BG 9.22)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
94-023 'Real touchstone Holy name (BG 7.28)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
yeṣāḿ tv anta-gataḿ pāpaḿ janānāḿ puṇya-karmaṇām te dvandva-moha-nirmuktā bhajante māḿ dṛḍha-vratāḥ (BG 7.28) Synonyms yeṣām — whose; tu — but; anta-gatam — completely eradicated; pāpam — sin; janānām — of the persons; puṇya — pious; karmaṇām — whose previous activities; te — they; dvandva — of duality; moha — delusion; nirmuktāḥ — free from; bhajante… Continue reading 94-023 'Real touchstone Holy name (BG 7.28)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
94-021 'Material World Place Of Suffering (BG 14.1)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Kurukshetra
çré-bhagavän uväca paraà bhüyaù pravakñyämi jïänänäà jïänam uttamam yaj jïätvä munayaù sarve paräà siddhim ito gatäù (BG 14.1) Translation : The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Again I shall declare to you this supreme wisdom, the best of all knowledge, knowing which all the sages have attained the supreme perfection. idaà jïänam upäçritya mama sädharmyam… Continue reading 94-021 'Material World Place Of Suffering (BG 14.1)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Kurukshetra
94-005 'Teachings of Bhagavad Gita (BG 7.2)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
jïänaà te ‘haà sa-vijïänam idaà vakñyämy açeñataù yaj jïätvä neha bhüyo ‘nyaj jïätavyam avaçiñyate (BG 7.2) Translation I shall now declare unto you in full this knowledge both phenomenal and nominal, by knowing which there should remain nothing further to be known. Purport Complete knowledge includes knowledge of the phenomenal world, the spirit behind it,… Continue reading 94-005 'Teachings of Bhagavad Gita (BG 7.2)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
93-060 'The Power Of Holyname (BG 05.18)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
vidyä-vinaya-sampanne brähmaëe gavi hastini çuni caiva çva-päke ca paëòitäù sama-darçinaù (BG 5.18) Translation He humble sage by work to his true acknowledges. Sees with equal vision alerted and gentle Brahman a cow and an elephant, a dog, and a dog eater. Purport : A Kåñëa conscious person does not make any distinction between… Continue reading 93-060 'The Power Of Holyname (BG 05.18)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai