Bhagavad Gita Archives - Page 7 of 7 - Radhanath Swami Lecture Transcripts

90-028 'Who Is Perfect Yogi (BG 6.32)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

“atmaupamyena sarvatra samam pasyati yo ‘rjuna sukham vä yadi vä duhkham sa yogi paramo matah” Bhagavad-Gita 6.32   SYNONYMS ätma—with his self; aupamyena—by comparison; sarvatra—everywhere; samam—equally; pasyati—sees; yah—he who; arjuna—O Arjuna; sukham—happiness; vä—or; yadi—if; vä—or; duhkham—distress; sah—such; yogi—a transcendentalist; paramah—perfect; matah—is considered.   TRANSLATION He is a perfect yogi who, by comparison to his own… Continue reading 90-028 'Who Is Perfect Yogi (BG 6.32)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

90-024 'Lecture on Discipline (BG 2.64)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

“räga-dveña-vimuktais tu viñayän indriyaiç caran ätma-vaçyair vidheyätmä prasädam adhigacchati” Bhagavad-Gita 2.64   SYNONYMS räga—attachment; dveña—and detachment; vimuktaiù—by one who has become free from; tu—but; viñayän—sense objects; indriyaiù—by the senses; caran—acting upon; ätma-vaçyaiù—under one’s control; vidheya-ätmä—one who follows regulated freedom; prasädam—the mercy of the Lord; adhigacchati—attains.   TRANSLATION But a person free from all attachment and… Continue reading 90-024 'Lecture on Discipline (BG 2.64)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

90-023 'Opening Spiritual Eyes (BG 11.04)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

TEXT 41 “saumyänuçoce tam adhaù-patantaà bhrätre paretäya vidudruhe yaù niryäpito yena suhåt sva-puryä ahaà sva-puträn samanuvratena” Srimad Bhagavatam 3.1.41   Synonyms : saumya—O gentle one; anuçoce—I lament; tam—him; adhaù-patantam—gliding down; bhrätre—on his brother’s; paretäya—death; vidudruhe—revolted against; yaù—one who; niryäpitaù—driven out; yena—by whom; suhåt—well-wisher; sva-puryäù—from his own house; aham—myself; sva-puträn—with his own sons; samanu-vratena—accepting the same… Continue reading 90-023 'Opening Spiritual Eyes (BG 11.04)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

90-012 'Greatest Things Is To Become Servant (BG-6.47)' by Radhanath Swami

“yoginäm api sarveñäà mad-gatenäntar-ätmanä çraddhävän bhajate yo mäà sa me yuktatamo mataù” Bhagavad-Gita 6.47   SYNONYMS yoginäm—of yogés; api—also; sarveñäm—all types of; mat—gatena—abiding in Me, always thinking of Me; antaù—ätmanä—within himself; çraddhä—vän—in full faith; bhajate—renders transcendental loving service; yaù—one who; mäm—to Me (the Supreme Lord); saù—he; me—by Me; yukta—tamaù—the greatest yogé; mataù—is considered.   TRANSLATION… Continue reading 90-012 'Greatest Things Is To Become Servant (BG-6.47)' by Radhanath Swami

90-005 'A Leaf, A Flower, A Fruit (BG 09-33)' By Radhanath Swami

“kià punar brähmaëäù puëyä bhaktä räjarñayas tathä anityam asukhaà lokam imaà präpya bhajasva mäm”   SYNONYMS kim—how much; punaù—again; brähmaëäù—brähmaëas; puëyäù—righteous; bhaktäù—devotees; räja-åñayaù—saintly kings; tathä—also; anityam—temporary; asukham—full of miseries; lokam—planet; imam—this; präpya—gaining; bhajasva—be engaged in loving service; mäm—unto Me.   TRANSLATION How much more this is so of the righteous brähmaëas, the devotees and the… Continue reading 90-005 'A Leaf, A Flower, A Fruit (BG 09-33)' By Radhanath Swami

90-004 'Perfection Of Renunciation (BG 18.46)' By Radhanath Swami' in Mumbai

Bhagavad-Gita 18_46. “yataù pravåttir bhütänäà yena sarvam idaà tatam sva-karmaëä tam abhyarcya siddhià vindati mänavaù”   TRANSLATION By worship of the Lord, who is the source of all beings and who is all-pervading, a man can in the performance of his own duty attain perfection.   PURPORT As stated in the Fifteenth Chapter, all living… Continue reading 90-004 'Perfection Of Renunciation (BG 18.46)' By Radhanath Swami' in Mumbai

90-002 'Whatever Krishna Does Is Perfect (BG 8.20)' by Radhanath Swami

“paras tasmät tu bhävo ‘nyo ‘vyakto ‘vyaktät sanätanah yah sa sarvesu bhütesu nasyatsu na vinasyati”   TRANSLATION Yet there is another unmanifest nature, which is eternal and is transcendental to this manifested and unmanifested matter. It is supreme and never annihilated. When all in this world is annihilated, that part remains as it is. PURPORT… Continue reading 90-002 'Whatever Krishna Does Is Perfect (BG 8.20)' by Radhanath Swami