mantra-guru ära yata çikñä-guru-gaëa täìhära caraëa äge kariye vandana (CC Adilila 1.35) jaya jaya çré-caitanya jaya nityänanda jayädvaita-candra jaya gaura-bhakta-vånda (CC Adilila 1.18) Translation : I first offer my respectful obesciances at the lotus feet of my initiating spiritual master and all my instructing spiritual masters. Purport: Çréla Jéva Gosvämé, in his thesis… Continue reading 91-098 ‘The Nectarian Association Of Devotees (CC Adilila 1.35)’ by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
Category: Adi Lila
91-109 'Different Energies of Lord Krishna (CC Adi Lila 1.53)' by HH Radhanath Swami
aham eväsam evägre nänyad yat sad-asat param paçcäd ahaà yad etac ca yo ’vaçiñyeta so ’smy aham Translation Sat means “effect,” asat means “cause,” and param refers to the ultimate truth, which is transcendental to cause and effect. The cause of the creation is called the mahat-tattva, or total material energy, and its effect… Continue reading 91-109 'Different Energies of Lord Krishna (CC Adi Lila 1.53)' by HH Radhanath Swami
91-103 'Narottam Das Thakur Disappearance Day (CC AL-01) ' By Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
Harinaam Diksa : We have been discussing from Sri Chaitanya Caritamrita, the subject matter of the spiritual master. Within our Gaudiya Vaishnava Sampraday, there are two initiations given to the aspiring devotee. The first is the Hari Nama diksha. This is when the spiritual master after carefully observing the sincerity of disciple. Traditionally for at… Continue reading 91-103 'Narottam Das Thakur Disappearance Day (CC AL-01) ' By Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
91-071 'Obedience To Guru Parampara' CC Lecture by Radhanath Swami
Reciprocation between Lord and His devotees The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna Chaitanya, reveals His most extraordinary and merciful lila to the extent He loves His devotees and of course there is no extent because the love between the Lord and His devotees is eternally and infinitely increasing. There is no cessation in the… Continue reading 91-071 'Obedience To Guru Parampara' CC Lecture by Radhanath Swami
90-073 'Offering To Radharani (CC Adi 01.04.06)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
Glories, glories to Sri Radharani, the beloved of Madhava and most worship-able of the cowherd girls of Gokula Mandala! Decorated by the dress of Lord Damodara’s increasing ecstasy, You are the lady of the house of Lord Hari and the groves of Vrindavan. From the ocean of Vrishabhanu has arisen a new moon which is… Continue reading 90-073 'Offering To Radharani (CC Adi 01.04.06)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai