WATCH THOSE THOUGHTS OF THE MIND svapne yathä paçyati deham édåçaà manorathenäbhiniviñöa-cetanaù dåñöa-çrutäbhyäà manasänucintayan prapadyate tat kim api hy apasmåtiù (SB 10.1.41) Translation : Having experienced the situation by seeing or hearing about it, one contemplates and speculates about that situation, and thus one surrenders unto it, not considering his present body. Similarly by… Continue reading 91-114 ‘Watch Those Thoughts Of The Mind (SB 10.1.41)’ by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
Category: SB 10.1
91-102 'Attachment For Sense Enjoyment (SB 10.1.35)' by HH Radhanath Swami
ity uktah sa khalah papo bhojanam kula-pamsanah bhaginim hantum arabdham khadga-panih kace ‘grahit (SB 10.1.35) Translation Kamsa was a condemned personality in the Bhoja dynasty because he was envious and sinful. Therefore, upon hearing this omen from the sky, he caught hold of his sister’s hair with his left hand and took up his… Continue reading 91-102 'Attachment For Sense Enjoyment (SB 10.1.35)' by HH Radhanath Swami
91-111 'Changing Our Consciousness (SB 10.01.42)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
vrajaàs tiñöhan padaikena yathaivaikena gacchati yathä tåëa-jalaukaivaà dehé karma-gatià gataù Translation Just as a person traveling on the road rests one foot on the ground and then lifts the other, or as a worm on a vegetable transfers itself to one leaf and then gives up the previous one, the conditioned soul takes shelter… Continue reading 91-111 'Changing Our Consciousness (SB 10.01.42)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
91-108 'When Death Comes (SB 10.01.42)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya. SB 10.1.42 (yato yato dhāvati daiva-coditaṁ) mano vikārātmakam āpa pañcasu guṇeṣu māyā-raciteṣu dehy asau prapadyamānaḥ saha tena jāyate Translation At the time of death, according to the thinking, feeling and willing of the mind, which is involved in fruitive activities, one receives a particular body. In other words, the body develops… Continue reading 91-108 'When Death Comes (SB 10.01.42)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
91-102 'Attachment For Sense Enjoyment (SB 10.01.35)' Lecture By Radhanath Swami
ity uktaù sa khalaù päpo bhojänäà kula-päàsanaù bhaginéà hantum ärabdhaà khaòga-päëiù kace ‘grahét Translation Kamsa was a condemned personality in the Bhoja dynasty because he was envious and sinful. Therefore, upon hearing this omen from the sky, he caught hold of his sister’s hair with his left hand and took up his sword with… Continue reading 91-102 'Attachment For Sense Enjoyment (SB 10.01.35)' Lecture By Radhanath Swami
91-097 'Ascendance of the Personal World of Krishna (SB 10.1.26-28)' by Radhanath Swami
Text 26 çré-çuka uväca ity ädiçyämara-gaëän prajäpati-patir vibhuù äçväsya ca mahéà gérbhiù sva-dhäma paramaà yayau Text 27 çüraseno yadupatir mathuräm ävasan purém mäthuräï chürasenäàç ca viñayän bubhuje purä Text 28 räjadhäné tataù säbhüt sarva-yädava-bhübhujäm mathurä bhagavän yatra nityaà sannihito hariù Translation & Purport Since the time the city of Mathura has been… Continue reading 91-097 'Ascendance of the Personal World of Krishna (SB 10.1.26-28)' by Radhanath Swami
91-089 'Calling With Helplessness (SB 10.1.20)' by Radhanath Swami
Om Namaho Bhagavate Vasudevaya! (Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.1.20) tatra gatvā jagannāthaḿ deva-devaḿ vṛṣākapim puruṣaḿ puruṣa-sūktena upatasthe samāhitaḥ Translation After reaching the shore of the ocean of milk, the demigods worshiped the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Viṣṇu, the master of the whole universe, the supreme God of all gods, who provides for everyone and diminishes everyone’s… Continue reading 91-089 'Calling With Helplessness (SB 10.1.20)' by Radhanath Swami
91-087 'Harmony With Mother Earth (SB 10.01.17)' Lecture by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
bhūmir dṛpta-nṛpa-vyāja- daityānīka-śatāyutaiḥ ākrāntā bhūri-bhāreṇa brahmāṇaḿ śaraṇaḿ yayau (Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.1.17) Translation Once when mother earth was overburdened by hundreds of thousands of military phalanxes of various conceited demons dressed like kings, she approached Lord Brahmā for relief. Purport When the world is overburdened by unnecessary military arrangements and when various demoniac kings… Continue reading 91-087 'Harmony With Mother Earth (SB 10.01.17)' Lecture by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai