SB 2.6 Archives - Radhanath Swami Lecture Transcripts

Radhanath Swami explains The Exalted Position of Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva

We have many times mentioned the names of twelve selected authorities (dvädaça-mahäjana), of which Brahmä, Närada and Lord Shiva head the list as the first, second and third in order of merit of those who know something of the Supreme Lord. Other demigods, semi-demigods, Gandharvas way. But what can the scientists know?

94-011 'How To Know God' by HH Radhanath Swami

na bhäraté me ‘ìga måñopalakñyate na vai kvacin me manaso måñä gatiù na me håñékäëi patanty asat-pathe yan me hådautkaëöhyavatä dhåto hariù (SB 2.6.34)   Translation : O Närada, because I have caught hold of the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, with great zeal, whatever I say has never proved to… Continue reading 94-011 'How To Know God' by HH Radhanath Swami