SB 8.4 Archives - Radhanath Swami Lecture Transcripts

09-045 'Accept Reversals Gratefully Without Getting Disturbed (SB 8.4.2-4)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

SB 8.4.2 nedur dundubhayo divyä gandharvä nanåtur jaguù åñayaç cäraëäù siddhäs tuñöuvuù puruñottamam SYNONYMS neduù—vibrated; dundubhayaù—kettledrums; divyäù—in the sky of the higher planetary system; gandharväù—residents of Gandharvaloka; nanåtuù—danced; jaguù—and sang; åñayaù—all the saintly sages; cäraëäù—the inhabitants of the Cäraëa planet; siddhäù—the inhabitants of the Siddha planet; tuñöuvuù—offered prayers; puruña-uttamam—to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Puruñottama,… Continue reading 09-045 'Accept Reversals Gratefully Without Getting Disturbed (SB 8.4.2-4)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai