SB 8.6 Archives - Radhanath Swami Lecture Transcripts

09-051 'Krishna Hears Intent Of Our Prayers' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

SB 8.6.14 sa tvaà vidhatsväkhila-loka-pälä vayaà yad arthäs tava päda-mülam samägatäs te bahir-antar-ätman kià vänya-vijïäpyam açeña-säkñiëaù SYNONYMS saù—that; tvam—Your Lordship; vidhatsva—kindly do the needful; akhila-loka-päläù—the demigods, directors of different departments of this universe; vayam—all of us; yat—that which; arthäù—purpose; tava—at Your Lordship’s; päda-mülam—lotus feet; samägatäù—we have arrived; te—unto You; bahiù-antaù-ätman—O Supersoul of everyone, O constant… Continue reading 09-051 'Krishna Hears Intent Of Our Prayers' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

09-050 'Serving The Lord Without Demanding' By Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

SB 8.6.13 taà tväà vayaà nätha samujjihänaà saroja-näbhäticirepsitärtham dåñövä gatä nirvåtam adya sarve gajä davärtä iva gäìgam ambhaù SYNONYMS tam—O Lord; tväm—Your Lordship; vayam—all of us; nätha—O master; samujjihänam—now appearing before us with all glories; saroja-näbha—O Lord, whose navel resembles a lotus flower, or from whose navel grows a lotus flower; ati-cira—for an extremely long… Continue reading 09-050 'Serving The Lord Without Demanding' By Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

90-067 'Willing To Be Instrument Of God (SB 08.06.39)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

Om Namoh Bhagavate Vasudevaya avaropya girià skandhät suparëaù patatäà varaù yayau jalänta utsåjya hariëä sa visarjitaù TRANSLATION Thereafter, Garuòa, the chief of birds, unloaded Mandara Mountain from his shoulder and brought it near the water. Then he was asked by the Lord to leave that place, and he left. PURPORT Garuòa was asked by the… Continue reading 90-067 'Willing To Be Instrument Of God (SB 08.06.39)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

90-059 'Trust in mercy of God (SB 08.06.14)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

Om Namoh Bhagavate Vasudevaya Sa tvam vidhatsvakhila-loka-pala Vayam yad arthas tava pada-mulam Samagatas te bahir-antar-atman Kim vanya-vijnapyam asesa-saksinah   My Lord we the various Demi Gods , the directors of this universe have come to your Lotus feet. Please fulfill the purpose for which we have come.  You are the witness of everything, from within… Continue reading 90-059 'Trust in mercy of God (SB 08.06.14)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai