Srimad Bhagavatam

91-045 'The Importance Of Chastity (SB 9.10.24-27)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

tato niñkramya laìkäyä yätudhänyaù sahasraçaù mandodaryä samaà tatra prarudantya upädravan (SB 9.10.24)   Thereafter, all the women whose husbands had fallen in the battle, headed by Mandodaré, the wife of Ravana, came out of Lanka. Continuously crying, they approached the…

91-010 'Age Of Quarrel And Hypocrisy (SB 9.4.21)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

“evam sada karma-kalapam atmanah Pare ‘dhiyajne bhagavaty adhoksaje Sarvatma-bhavam vidadhan mahim imam Tan-nistha-vipabhihitah sasasa ha” (SB 9.4.21)   Translation In performing his prescribed duties as king, Maharaja Ambarisa always offered the results of his royal activities to the Supreme Personality…

91-009 'The Greatest Treasure (SB 09.04.18-20)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

sa vai manaḥ kṛṣṇa-padāravindayor vacāḿsi vaikuṇṭha-guṇānuvarṇane karau harer mandira-mārjanādiṣu śrutiḿ cakārācyuta-sat-kathodaye (SB 9.4.18)   mukunda-lińgālaya-darśane dṛśau tad-bhṛtya-gātra-sparśe ‘ńga-sańgamam ghrāṇaḿ ca tat-pāda-saroja-saurabhe śrīmat-tulasyā rasanāḿ tad-arpite (SB 9.4.19)   pādau hareḥ kṣetra-padānusarpaṇe śiro hṛṣīkeśa-padābhivandane kāmaḿ ca dāsye na tu kāma-kāmyayā yathottamaśloka-janāśrayā ratiḥ…

91-008 'Lord Nityananda – Most Merciful (SB 9.04.18-20)' by HH Radhanath Swami, Mumbai

Lord Nityananda Prabhu Today is auspicious appearance of Lord Nityananda Prabhu. There is a beautiful song by Srila Narottam Das Thakur where he sings – brajendra-nandana jei, śacī-suta hoilo sei, balarāma hoilo nitāi He is offering his obeisances to Lord…

91-005 'To Be In The World But Not Of It (SB 9.1.1-8)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

śrī-rājovāca manvantarāṇi sarvāṇi tvayoktāni śrutāni me vīryāṇy ananta-vīryasya hares tatra kṛtāni ca (SB 9.1.1)   Translation : King Parīkṣit said: My lord, Śukadeva Gosvāmī, you have elaborately described all the periods of the various Manus and, within those periods, the…

95-002 ‘The Story of Dronacarya (SB 1.7.15)’ by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

mātā śiśūnāḿ nidhanaḿ sutānāḿ niśamya ghoraḿ paritapyamānā tadārudad vāṣpa-kalākulākṣī tāḿ sāntvayann āha kirīṭamālī (SB 1.7.15) Translation Draupadī, the mother of the five children of the Pāṇḍavas, after hearing of the massacre of her sons, began to cry in distress with…

94-036 'Pleasing Guru By Sacrifice (SB 3.28.17)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

apécya-darçanaà çaçvat sarva-loka-namaskåtam santaà vayasi kaiçore bhåtyänugraha-kätaram (SB 3.28.17)   Synonyms apécya-darçanam—very beautiful to see; çaçvat—eternal; sarva-loka—by all the inhabitants of every planet; namaù-kåtam—worshipable; santam—situated; vayasi—in youth; kaiçore—in boyhood; bhåtya—upon His devotee; anugraha—to bestow blessings; kätaram—eager.   Translation The Lord…