In His various incarnations, the Lord appears, acts and leaves behind Him a narrative history which is as transcendental as He Himself. Every one of us is fond of hearing some wonderful narration, but most stories are neither auspicious nor worth hearing because they are of the inferior quality of material nature. Every living entity is of superior quality, spirit soul, and nothing material can be auspicious for him.
Category: 1992
No Expectation in service By Radhanath Swami
This is very good example for all of us. It is explained in the Srimad Bhagavatam that when one performs devotional service in material life karma yoga means to work without being attached to the fruit. But in spiritual life it is said in Bhagvatam that when you perform devotional service certain benefits, certain fruits will come from that action of devotional service you should not be attached to that, you should understand it is for Krishna’s enjoyment.
Incarnation in four yugas By Radhanath Swami
In the teachings of Sri Narada Muni to Vasudev in eleventh canto, he cites the incident of when Maharaj Nimi who was the king of Mithila, he is inquiring from nine Yogendras “how to understand the various incarnations of the Lord?” as we know the nine Yogendras were the son’s of Rishabhdev. Lord Rishabhdev had one hundred sons. He instructed them all, in the fifth canto of Bhagavatam, teachings of Rishabhdev.
Unified In Guru's Service By Radhanath Swami
Pure devotees, whose characteristics are mentioned here, engage themselves fully in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. Their minds cannot be diverted from the lotus feet of Kṛṣṇa. Their talks are solely on the transcendental subjects. The symptoms of the pure devotees are described in this verse specifically. Devotees of the Supreme Lord are twenty-four hours daily engaged in glorifying the qualities and pastimes of the Supreme Lord.
Vaishnavism and Sannyas By Radhanath Swami
Lord Caitanya remained a householder only until His twenty-fourth year had passed. Then He entered the renounced order and remained manifest in this material world until His forty-eighth year. Therefore śeṣa-līlā, or the final portion of His activities, lasted twenty-four years. Some so-called Vaiṣṇavas say that the renounced order of life is not accepted in the Vaiṣṇava sampradāya, or disciplic succession, until Lord Caitanya. This is not a very intelligent proposition.
The Rasas In Goloka (CC 1.02) By Radhanath Swami
Servitude- dasya rasa, friendship- sakhya rasa, parental affection- vatsalya rasa and conjugal love- shringar rasa are the four transcendental mellows, Rasas. To the devotees who cherish these four mellows Lord Krishna is subdued. Purport by SrilaPrabhupada Dasya, sakhya, vatsalya,shringar are the transcedental modes of loving service to the Lord. Shanta Rasa or the neutral… Continue reading The Rasas In Goloka (CC 1.02) By Radhanath Swami
Reading the Bhagvatam (SB 10.04.20) By Radhanath Swami
om namo bhagvate vāsudevaya bhuvi bhaumāni bhūtāni yathā yānty apayānti ca nāyam ātmā tathaiteśu viparyeti yathaiva bhūh Translation In this world, we can see that pots, dolls and other byproducts of the earth appear, break and then disappear, mixing with the earth. Similarly, the bodies of all conditioned living entities are annihilated, but the living… Continue reading Reading the Bhagvatam (SB 10.04.20) By Radhanath Swami