2009 Archives - Page 5 of 6 - Radhanath Swami Lecture Transcripts

09-035 'Mega Youth Festival The Journey Home' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

I am very much grateful and honored to be among all of you this evening. Thank you for being here. There will be a beautiful concert by Gaurvani and as Kindred spirits. So we will speak briefly. What that means? “Destiny will reveal.” As dear Gaurvani Prabhu has explained “I was extremely reluctant to write… Continue reading 09-035 'Mega Youth Festival The Journey Home' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

09-034 'Krishna Is Always Grateful' by Radhanath Swami

SB 8.3.1 çré-bädaräyaëir uväca evaà vyavasito buddhyä samädhäya mano hådi jajäpa paramaà jäpyaà präg-janmany anuçikñitam SYNONYMS çré-bädaräyaëiù uväca—Çré Çukadeva Gosvämé said; evam—thus; vyavasitaù—fixed; buddhyä—by intelligence; samädhäya—for concentration; manaù—the mind; hådi—in consciousness or in the heart; jajäpa—he chanted; paramam—a supreme; jäpyam—mantra he had learned from great devotees; präk-janmani—in his previous birth; anuçikñitam—practiced. TRANSLATION Çré Çukadeva Gosvämé… Continue reading 09-034 'Krishna Is Always Grateful' by Radhanath Swami

09-032 'The Only Secure Investment' By Radhanath Swami

  SB 8.2.33 TEXT yaù kaçcaneço balino ‘ntakoragät pracaëòa-vegäd abhidhävato bhåçam bhétaà prapannaà paripäti yad-bhayän måtyuù pradhävaty araëaà tam émahi SYNONYMS yaù—He who (the Supreme Personality of Godhead); kaçcana—someone; éçaù—the supreme controller; balinaù—very powerful; antaka-uragät—from the great serpent of time, which brings death; pracaëòa-vegät—whose force is fearful; abhidhävataù—who is chasing; bhåçam—endlessly (every hour and every… Continue reading 09-032 'The Only Secure Investment' By Radhanath Swami

09-031 'Fulfilling The Reason For Krishna's Appearance' by Radhanath Swami

SB 10.3.27 martyo måtyu-vyäla-bhétaù paläyan lokän sarvän nirbhayaà nädhyagacchat tvat pädäbjaà präpya yadåcchayädya susthaù çete måtyur asmäd apaiti SYNONYMS martyaù—the living entities who are sure to die; måtyu-vyäla-bhétaù—afraid of the serpent of death; paläyan—running (as soon as a serpent is seen, everyone runs away, fearing immediate death); lokän—to the different planets; sarvän—all; nirbhayam—fearlessness; na adhyagacchat—do… Continue reading 09-031 'Fulfilling The Reason For Krishna's Appearance' by Radhanath Swami

09-029 'Become Hungry For Krishna (SB 8.01.20-29)' By Radhanath Swami

SB 8.1.20 tatrendro rocanas tv äséd deväç ca tuñitädayaù ürja-stambhädayaù sapta åñayo brahma-vädinaù During the reign of Svärociña, the post of Indra was assumed by Rocana, the son of Yajïa. Tuñita and others became the principal demigods, and Ürja, Stambha and others became the seven saints. All of them were faithful devotees of the Lord.… Continue reading 09-029 'Become Hungry For Krishna (SB 8.01.20-29)' By Radhanath Swami

09-003 'Loving Krishna Includes Loving Everyone' By Radhanath Swami – Ratha Yatra at Lokhandvala Gardens Juhu

We are like that lost child, not knowing where to find the shelter where mother and father are. But when a vaishnav calls out Radha and Krishna’s name then the mother and father; their prayers bring us again, yoga means in reunion with our eternal shelter. I am very much grateful for this opportunity to… Continue reading 09-003 'Loving Krishna Includes Loving Everyone' By Radhanath Swami – Ratha Yatra at Lokhandvala Gardens Juhu

09-010 Talk To Manor Devotees By Radhanath Swami

Lust, envy, anger and pride and so many anxieties.  And Bhakti is really transforming,  cleaning the garbage of our heart.   First you have to clean it “ceto-darpana marjanam” by chanting the holy names.  We clean the garbage of our hearts  by hearing Srimad Bhagvatam, Bhagvat Gita.  And  by following moral and ethical life, we don’t… Continue reading 09-010 Talk To Manor Devotees By Radhanath Swami

09-009 'Parallels between Srila Prabhupada and Hanuman' By Radhanath Swami

Hare Krishna We sincerely welcome you to Sri Radha Gopinath Temple.   Especially we welcome Acutya Priya Prabhu and wonderful assembly  of devotees from Ukraine.  And also we welcome Srutidharm  Prabhu,……. and exalted devotees from bhakti Videnta Manor  in the United Kingdom and to all of you. Today many hundreds of people from Bombay and actually… Continue reading 09-009 'Parallels between Srila Prabhupada and Hanuman' By Radhanath Swami