
We have no Independance from Krishna

In Srimad Bhagavatam in ninth canto, there is a story of Cyavana muni. He was very powerful yogi. Millions of time more powerful than any materialist today in his ability to fulfill his material desires. He had attained very great mystic powers. And of course when one becomes very powerful spiritually or materially, the tendency is to become very proud and in pride the greatest danger is that we can offend saintly persons.

Vaishnava is selfless

Gargamuni indirectly disclosed that Kamsa was the son of Devak not of Yashoda Since Kansa was already searching for Krishna, if the purificatory process were undertaken by Gargamuni, Kansa might be informed, and that would create a catastrophe. It may be argued that although Gargamuni was the priest of the Yadu dynasty, Nanda Maharaja also belonged to that dynasty. Nanda Maharaja, however, was not acting as a kshtariya. Therefore Gargamuni said, “If I act as your priest, this will confirm that Krisna is the son of Devaki”

Story of Ramanujacarya

Kantimati gave birth to a beautiful and auspicious child, it was in the year 1017 of the Christian era. Just at that same time her sister Diptimati also gave birth to a baby child. After few days the 2 sisters came together also bringing their children together and they were both just merged in great happiness. When this news came to Sri Rangam to Sailapurna, he decided to come to give the blessings of his Gurudeva to these 2 nephews of him.

How to Be Real Grihasta

Our own Gurudeva he explains, his father, Srila Prabhupada’s fathers name was Gaur Mohan De and he describes he was a pure devotee of the Lord, always immersed in ecstatic love. By his example he taught his children how to worship the beautiful deity of Radha Govinda. But he explained that his father every night he would invite sadhus to his house, minimum 5 and he would offer them all respects.

Krishna waiting to help us By Radhanath Swami

The Supreme knowable truth defies all material conception. In the material world, every living being is bound under the laws of nature, which confine one within the dualities of material existence. But Krishna here explains, (break of audio) that He is both internal and external. He is within everything and without everything. He is in the moving and the non-moving. In other words He is beyond the powers of material senses to see or to know. Although far far away He is also near to all.

Bramha Vimohana Lila

Srila Sukadeva Goswami, is addressing Maharaja Pariksit as most fortunate, because he has a great urge for hearing the glories of the Lord. He is perceiving that the names and the pastimes of the Lord they are growing newer and newer. In material life everything we do, has the nature of progressively leading towards satiation. We can enjoy something for some time but then we need something else.

Misdirected Love

Nanda Mahäräja confirmed that by pious activities one can become a sädhu so that one will be happy at home and one’s children will be protected. In the shästra there are many injunctions for karmés and jïänés, especially for karmés, by which they can become pious and happy, even in material life. According to Vedic civilization, one should perform activities for the benefit of the public, such as constructing public roads, planting trees on both sides of the road so that people can walk in the shade, and constructing public wells so that everyone can take water without difficulty…..

Secret of detachment By Radhanath Swami

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu playing the part the of perfect devotee, when He saw that His being a grhastha, was impeding people from hearing His message, He was going to give up, renounce His most loving, chaiste and faithful wife and His most loving mother. Such a wife and mother, nobody could possibly give up in this world.Generally, when a person is ready to take sannyas, he is pretty much frustrated with his family life. I have been so long, now I will be liberated from all of these anxieties, all of these demands, all of these entanglements.