
As Krishna Descends

We have information from the Bhagavad-gītā that the Lord appears at particular intervals to adjust a time-worn spiritual culture. Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa appeared at the end of Dvāpara-yuga to regenerate the spiritual culture of human society and also to manifest His transcendental pastimes. Viṣṇu is the authorized Lord who maintains the created cosmos, and He is also the principal Deity who makes adjustments when there is improper administration in the cosmic creation.

Becoming Servant Of Servant By Radhanath Swami

The conditioned life of a living being is caused by his revolting against the Lord. The eternal natural condition of the soul , jivera swarūp hoy krishnera nitya dās, is to be the loving servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.. But when within our consciousness an exploitative motive comes into our life it is that, that creates the great illusion of māya. Māya the eternal material energy of the Lord is for those who want to exploit or lord it over the resources of material nature.

Jagai and Madhai By Radhanath Swami

One day Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu suddenly expressed very very deep feeling in His heart and He called upon Lord Nityananda and Srila Hari Das Thakur. Hari Das Thakur as you know was born in Muslim family but by chanting the holy name he became the super most proponent of love of God.So Lord Gauranga with great feeling of love in His heart told Lord Nityananda and Hari Das Thakur

Teachings of Queen Kunti By Radhanath Swami

Queen Kunti has served as a guiding light for innumerable aspiring devotees and great Paramhamsas for the past thousands of years. In this particular place, in the Bhagavatam, it is about what Kunti has gone through in life previous to offering these prayers. We read in the Mahabharat that when she was just a child, she was so loving, so charming, in all her mannerisms so much anxious to serve and to please even though she was a princess at that time.

Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur By Radhanath Swami

Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur presents the same compassionate spiritual frame of mind. He was also an empowered incarnation of Godhead. He descended to this world only for purpose of establishing the true principles of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. But he could see all around him such a degraded and fallen condition in human society, such rampant materialism, such perverted understandings and practices in the name of religion…….

Story of Varaha Dev By Radhanath Swami

In His various incarnations, the Lord appears, acts and leaves behind Him a narrative history which is as transcendental as He Himself. Every one of us is fond of hearing some wonderful narration, but most stories are neither auspicious nor worth hearing because they are of the inferior quality of material nature. Every living entity is of superior quality, spirit soul, and nothing material can be auspicious for him.

No Expectation in service By Radhanath Swami

This is very good example for all of us. It is explained in the Srimad Bhagavatam that when one performs devotional service in material life karma yoga means to work without being attached to the fruit. But in spiritual life it is said in Bhagvatam that when you perform devotional service certain benefits, certain fruits will come from that action of devotional service you should not be attached to that, you should understand it is for Krishna’s enjoyment.

Incarnation in four yugas By Radhanath Swami

In the teachings of Sri Narada Muni to Vasudev in eleventh canto, he cites the incident of when Maharaj Nimi who was the king of Mithila, he is inquiring from nine Yogendras “how to understand the various incarnations of the Lord?” as we know the nine Yogendras were the son’s of Rishabhdev. Lord Rishabhdev had one hundred sons. He instructed them all, in the fifth canto of Bhagavatam, teachings of Rishabhdev.