The impersonal time factor is the background of the material manifestation as the instrument of the Supreme Lord. It is the ingredient of assistance offered to material nature. No one knows where time began and where it ends, and it is time only which can keep a record of the creation, maintenance and destruction of the material manifestation. This time factor is the material cause of creation and is therefore a self expansion of the Personality of Godhead. Time is considered the impersonal feature of the Lord.
Category: Yearwise
Radhanath Swami explains The Exalted Position of Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva
We have many times mentioned the names of twelve selected authorities (dvädaça-mahäjana), of which Brahmä, Närada and Lord Shiva head the list as the first, second and third in order of merit of those who know something of the Supreme Lord. Other demigods, semi-demigods, Gandharvas way. But what can the scientists know?
Radhanath Swami on Quit Home Timely
It is understood from this verse that Maharaj Yudhistir followed the footsteps of his forefathers and the great devotees of the Lord. We have discussed many times before that the system of varna-ashram dharma as it was strictly followed by the inhabitants of the world specifically by those who inhabited the Aryavard province of the world emphasizes the importance of leaving all household connections at a certain stage of life. The training and education was so imparted and thus respectable person like Maharaj Yudhistir had to leave all family connection for self realization and going back to Godhead.
Radhanath Swami on Kaliyuga
Where does Kali reside? by Radhanath Swami Radhanath Swami explains Kali by the directions of Maharaj Parikshita, the son of Uttara was allowed to live in those five places. The most important of all scriptures of the world gives us the clearest understanding of what is the Absolute truth and how to achieve realization… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on Kaliyuga
Radhanath Swami on Self Management
Radhanath Swami explains, In terms of Bhagavad-Gita Krsna explains to the world, the most profound and essential system of management, how to manage our mind, our senses in harmony with the true nature and purpose of the soul, of god in our life. Radhanath Swami on Big Zero Radhanath Swami explains, that the educational… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on Self Management
Radhanath Swami on Teachings of Lord Rama
Radhanath Swami on How Krsna Consciousness process brings change in society I would like to first of all offer my great thankfulness to all of you who are so kindly assembling here this evening, to celebrate this wonderful occasion in which he have come together to hear and chant the glories of the Supreme… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on Teachings of Lord Rama
Center Marriage Life Around Krsna by Radhanath Swami
Radhanath Swami explains owing to ignorance, one does not know that this material world is a miserable place where there are dangers at every step. Out of ignorance only, less intelligent persons try to adjust to the situation by fruitive activities, thinking that the resultant actions will make them happy. They do not know that… Continue reading Center Marriage Life Around Krsna by Radhanath Swami
Radhanath Swami on Exercising Proper Discrimination
Radhanath Swami says “Truth is Revealed when the Lord is Pleased” Maharaj Parikshit is a great realized devotee throughout his life in the association of great souls he worshiped the supreme personality of Godhead. And the truth is revealed within the hearts of those whom Krishna is pleased with. There is no other access to… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on Exercising Proper Discrimination