Story of Varaha Dev By Radhanath Swami - Radhanath Swami Lecture Transcripts

Story of Varaha Dev By Radhanath Swami

My son he associated with that cruel king venu and because of that he lost all of his good qualities and he became cruel and committed many offences and even torched the vaishnava the devotees of the lord and although he is my son because I cannot tolerate offences to my devotees I personally came and killed him, please understand this Murari you are such a devotee, devotees like are so dear to me that I will protect you under any circumstance. Murari Gupta simply looked up on the beautiful form of Lord Varah dev such a wonderful manifestation he has never seen, and tears started flowing from his eyes in ecstatic love as he worship this beautiful form and then the lord he jumps from the shoulders of Murari Gupta and they both began to dance

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

So this is, Lord Varah Dev appeared again even in age of Kaliyuga above the Varah avatar takes place in Satyayuga even before Narsihma Dev and all of this great incarnations are very much according to the schedule of vedas they appear Lochandas Thakur says:

saba avatāra-sāra śiromaṇi

kevala ānanda-kanda

 You are the essence of all incarnations in Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu “Krishnas tu bhagavan svayam” all the incarnations are present within him, so how merciful? That by the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Varah dev again appeared in kali yuga just 500years ago in Sri Navdwip dham.

In fact in Navadwip dham there was great devotee who lived in satyayuga his name was Vasu dev and he was very grate devotee of Lord Varah Dev and he had the deity of  Varah Dev that he worship with great love and grate devotion and he use to pray to this deity of Lordr Varah dev that “my dear lord when will I see you, when will I be able offer my personal services to you if I do not what is the use of my life, my life is wasted. So seeing the loving pleas of this pure soul Lord Varah Dev personally appeared before Vasudev and he told vasudev after receiving beautiful prayers and worship he told him that you are very fortunate you are here in Nawadvip dham, this is most sacred abode of mine. He said in the age of Kaliyuga I will personally appear in my most magnificent form with beautiful golden color, I will appear as son of Brahman along with my associates I will spread the glories of holy names of Sri Krishna now you will always see me in your beloved worshipable form whatever you pray whenever you chant my glories so that great and fortunate devotee vasu dev upon hearing became  most most pleased because this information was given to him in Navadvip dham the name of that particular island where this took place is called Koladwip. Koladwip indicates that is the place where Lord Varah Dev gave this secret information to his devotee Vasu dev about his coming as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Actually here is the murti and is installed in Nawadvip dham in this setion called Koladwip. The predominating deity of Koladwip Lord Varah Dev we just took that photo just few days ago over there.

Of the merciful incarnations of the lord most auspicious to hear especially on these particular days in which it is the anniversary of that appearance Varah Dev appeared on this dvadasi. This year the dvadasi and ekadasi are mixed in one, tomorrow is trayodasi Lord Nityanada’s birthday. So Sri Sukadev goswami gives a benediction for anyone who faithfully hears this beautiful story of Lord Varah Dev, he explains in this manner the personality of Godhead  Lord Vishnu the maintainer of  all living entities raise the earth from within the water and placed it afloat on the water and return to his own abode. If one hears and describes in devotional service attitude this auspicious narration of Lord Bohr which is worthy of description, the lord within the heart of everyone is very pleased nothing remains unachieved when supreme personality of Godhead is pleased with someone by transcendental achievement one understands everything else to be insignificant one who engages in transcendental loving service is elevated to highest perfectional stage by the Lord himself who is seated in everyone’s heart. Who other than one who is not human being can exist in this world and not be interest in ultimate goal of life who can refuse the nectar of the narrations of the personality of Godheads activities which by itself deliver one from the all material pangs.


 In His various incarnations, the Lord appears, acts and leaves behind Him a narrative history which is as transcendental as He Himself. Every one of us is fond of hearing some wonderful narration, but most stories are neither auspicious nor worth hearing because they are of the inferior quality of material nature. Every living entity is of superior quality, spirit soul, and nothing material can be auspicious for him. Intelligent persons should therefore hear personally and cause others to hear the descriptive narrations of the Lord’s activities, for that will destroy the pangs of material existence. Out of His causeless mercy only, the Lord comes to this earth and leaves behind His merciful activities so that the devotees may derive transcendental benefit. The narration of the activities of the Personality of Godhead is like a constant flow of nectar. No one can refuse to drink such nectar except one who is not a human being. Devotional service to the Lord is the highest goal of life for every human being, and such devotional service begins by hearing about the transcendental activities of the Personality of Godhead. Only an animal, or a man who is almost an animal in behavior, can refuse to take an interest in hearing the transcendental message of the Lord. There are many books of stories and histories in the world, but except for the histories or narrations on the topics of the Personality of Godhead, none are capable of diminishing the burden of material pangs. Therefore one who is serious about eliminating material existence must chant and hear of the transcendental activities of the Personality of Godhead. Otherwise one must be compared to the nonhumans.

Gaur premanade hari hari bol!!!

By Radhanath Swami

H.H Radhanath Swami is one of today’s most beloved and respected spiritual teachers. A Bhakti Yoga practitioner for 40 years, he is a guide, community builder, philanthropist, and acclaimed author.Born and raised in Chicago,at the age of 19 he discovered India's Mystical devotional tradition and now spread his message of compassion and love around the world.


  1. There are many books of stories and histories in the world, but except for the histories or narrations on the topics of the Personality of Godhead, none are capable of diminishing the burden of material pangs.

    such a valuable statement by Srila Prabhupada.

  2. Yes it is true, only man whose behaviour is like an animal like propensity will not be interested in the activities of the lord & His various pastimes.

  3. It is causeless mercy of the Lord that He appears in this world and performs wonderful activities or pastimes to attract the minds of the souls who are forgotten their eternal position with respect to The Lord.Otherwise powerful material energy of The Lord is very difficult to overcome for souls who are languishing in this world from time immemorial. Radhanath Maharaj herein is giving us an insight about what is the relationship between us and The God,Krishna.Thanks so much for such nice transcript.

  4. Devotional service to the Lord and His devotees is our only hope in this otherwise hopeless material world.

  5. Nice lecture by HH Radhanath Swami. We should always seek spiritual pursuits leaving the material fruits to Lord.

  6. We can understand through revealed scriptures and through the realisations of exalted saints like HH Radhanath Swami that all the incarnations of Krishna are non-different from Him.

  7. True! Only people who are not humans will not like to hear about the transcendental pastimes of the Lord and his incarnations! A person who does that and chants the holy names of the Lord is sure to go back to the spiritual world!

  8. “The narration of the activities of the Personality of Godhead is like a constant flow of nectar. No one can refuse to drink such nectar except one who is not a human being. Devotional service to the Lord is the highest goal of life for every human being, and such devotional service begins by hearing about the transcendental activities of the Personality of Godhead. Everything looks to be starting from hearing.

  9. Nice lecture by HH Radhanath Swami. Lord Varaha Dev is so merciful that when we pray to Him, He will surely gives us the knowledge of real bhakti.

  10. Very knowledge giving article. I could realize that you are not only giving knowledge from Vedas but you are also giving the corect esence of that knowledge which completely avoids any deviant interpretations which is rampant now a days in India. Thanks a lot!!

  11. As HH Radhanath Swami nicely explains in this lecture, we should always hear the glorification of Lord in different incarnations inorder to come out of the material life.

  12. Out of His causeless mercy only, the Lord comes to this earth and leaves behind His merciful activities so that the devotees may derive transcendental benefit. The narration of the activities of the Personality of Godhead is like a constant flow of nectar.
    Very nice article.

  13. If one hears and describes in devotional service attitude this auspicious narration of Lord Bohr which is worthy of description, the lord within the heart of everyone is very pleased

  14. Point to note is to remove material tendency, we must chant the holy names of lord.

  15. Only pure devotees can truly relish the nectarian pastimes of the Lord. But the transcendental activities of the Lord are so potent and pleasing that even a neophite like me can appreciate and value the transcendental pastimes of the Lord.

  16. By constantly hearing from our spiritual master we get so much enlightened about Lord’s unlimited nectarean pastimes. Thank you very much Radhanath Maharaj for explaining the appearance of Sri Varah Dev in this age.

  17. Wonderful reciprocation between Lord and his devotees. In this age even becoming a human and developing taste for higher principles is tough and is only possible due to Lord’s glorious mercy. Thank You for sharing the Varaha Dev pastimes.

  18. Very striking statement – Every living entity is of superior quality, spirit soul, and nothing material can be auspicious for him.

  19. The Lord appears in so many forms, sometimes as an amphibian, sometimes as an animal and most times in human forms, just to give pleasure to His devotees.
    This itself shows that the Lord is inconceivable and unlimited beyond our reasoning powers.
    No matter what incarnation He appears in, He is most merciful and lovable and glorifying Him and hearing about Him is the proper remedy for all problems.
    Thank you Maharaja.

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