TEXT 29 “yatra yatra harer arcä sa deçaù çreyasäà padam yatra gaìgädayo nadyaù puräëeñu ca viçrutäù” SYNONYMS yatra yatra—wherever; hareù—of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kåñëa; arcä—the Deity is worshiped; saù—that; deçaù—place, country or neighborhood; çreyasäm—of all auspiciousness; padam—the place; yatra—wherever; gaìgä-ädayaù—like the Ganges, Yamunä, Narmadä and Käveré; nadyaù—sacred rivers; puräëeñu—in the puräëas (supplementary… Continue reading 90-015 'The Power Of Association Of Saintly Persons (SB 7.14.29)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai