“anta-käle ca mäm eva smaran muktvä kalevaram yaù prayäti sa mad-bhävaà yäti nästy atra saàçayaù” Bhagavad-Gita 8.5 SYNONYMS anta-käle—at the end of life; ca—also; mäm—Me; eva—certainly; smaran—remembering; muktvä—quitting; kalevaram—the body; yaù—he who; prayäti—goes; saù—he; mat-bhävam—My nature; yäti—achieves; na—not; asti—there is; atra—here; saàçayaù—doubt. TRANSLATION And whoever, at the end of his life, quits his… Continue reading 90-038 'The Key To Success (BG 8.5)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai