harih purastāj jagrhe poorvam devās tato bhavan (SB 8.7.2) The Personality of Godhead, Ajita, grasped the front portion of the snake, and then the demigods followed. tan naicchan daitya-patayo mahā-purusa-cestitam na grhnīmo vayam puccham aher ańgam amańgalam svādhyāya-śruta-sampannah prakhyātā janma-karmabhih (SB 8.7.3) The leaders of the demons thought it unwise to hold the tail, the inauspicious portion of the snake. Instead, they wanted to hold the… Continue reading 90-076 'Spiritual Life Means Warfare (SB 08.07.01-19)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai