94-012 Archives - Radhanath Swami Lecture Transcripts

94-012 'Krishna Will Not Abandon His Devotees (SB 10.51.34)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

tejasä te ‘viñahyeëa bhüri drañöuà na çaknumaù hataujasä mahä-bhäga mänanéyo ‘si dehinäm (SB 10.51.34)   Synonyms tejasä—because of the effulgence; te—Your; aviñahyeëa—unbearable; bhüri—much; drañöum—to see; na çaknumaù—we are not able; hata—diminished; ojasä—with our faculties; mahä-bhaga—O most opulent one; mänanéyaù—to be honored; asi—You are; dehinam—by embodied beings.   Translation Your unbearably brilliant effulgence overwhelms our strength,… Continue reading 94-012 'Krishna Will Not Abandon His Devotees (SB 10.51.34)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai