ajamila Archives - Radhanath Swami Lecture Transcripts

Radhanath Swami explains how fallen devotee is most miserable

Radhnath Swami explains how Lord is greatful to his devotee The nature of a cultured and sincere person is that person is grateful.  And once receiving anything from anyone that person is always grateful.  But Krishna the Supreme Lord, He is the highest and most perfect in all qualities.  Therefore, there is no one so… Continue reading Radhanath Swami explains how fallen devotee is most miserable

91-086 'Story Of Ajamila (SB 6.3.22-23)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

Om namo Bhagvate  Vasudevaya etāvān eva loke ‘smin puḿsāḿ dharmaḥ paraḥ smṛtaḥ bhakti-yogo bhagavati tan-nāma-grahaṇādibhiḥ (SB 6.3.22)   Translation Devotional service, beginning with the chanting of the holy name of the Lord, is the ultimate religious principle for the living entity in human society.   nāmoccāraṇa-māhātmyaḿ hareḥ paśyata putrakāḥ ajāmilo ‘pi yenaiva mṛtyu-pāśād amucyata (SB… Continue reading 91-086 'Story Of Ajamila (SB 6.3.22-23)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

90-013 'The Story Of Ajamila' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

In this most congested and polluted city of Mumbai, many of us are faced everyday with so many challenges, which are threatening the very core and basis of our morality as well as our spiritual peace. Of course even due to long years of training and conditioning in living a life, which is religious are… Continue reading 90-013 'The Story Of Ajamila' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai