
Radhanath Swami speaks during Appearance day of Sripad Ramanujacharya

This is verse 34 of 3rd Chapter of Bhagavad-Gita. Wherein Sri Krsna is explaining the great importance of regulating our lives, in this world which is a place of duality there is attachment which our mind and senses develop to those things which gives us pleasure and there is aversion to those objects of material existence which cause us distress and we spend our whole life trying to develop deeper, deeper attachments to the sources of pleasure and trying to somehow or other by any means escape the causes of distress.

Radhanath Swami explains how fallen devotee is most miserable

Radhnath Swami explains how Lord is greatful to his devotee The nature of a cultured and sincere person is that person is grateful.  And once receiving anything from anyone that person is always grateful.  But Krishna the Supreme Lord, He…

Secret of detachment By Radhanath Swami

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu playing the part the of perfect devotee, when He saw that His being a grhastha, was impeding people from hearing His message, He was going to give up, renounce His most loving, chaiste and faithful wife and His most loving mother. Such a wife and mother, nobody could possibly give up in this world.Generally, when a person is ready to take sannyas, he is pretty much frustrated with his family life. I have been so long, now I will be liberated from all of these anxieties, all of these demands, all of these entanglements.

91-102 'Attachment For Sense Enjoyment (SB 10.1.35)' by HH Radhanath Swami

ity uktah sa khalah papo  bhojanam kula-pamsanah  bhaginim hantum arabdham  khadga-panih kace ‘grahit (SB 10.1.35)   Translation Kamsa was a condemned personality in the Bhoja dynasty because he was envious and sinful. Therefore, upon hearing this omen from the sky,…

91-102 'Attachment For Sense Enjoyment (SB 10.01.35)' Lecture By Radhanath Swami

ity uktaù sa khalaù päpo bhojänäà kula-päàsanaù bhaginéà hantum ärabdhaà khaòga-päëiù kace ‘grahét   Translation Kamsa was a condemned personality in the Bhoja dynasty because he was envious and sinful. Therefore, upon hearing this omen from the sky, he caught…