bali maharaj Archives - Radhanath Swami Lecture Transcripts

Radhanath Swami on "Vedic Perspective of Climatic Change"

Radhanath Swami: I am very grateful for this opportunity to be with all of you this evening and I sincerely Thank you for taking your very precious time to be us. The subject I was ask to speak was Vedic Solutions to Climate Change. Recently, well it was actually couple of years ago I was in… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on "Vedic Perspective of Climatic Change"

Radhanath Swami on "Principles of Hospitality"

  Radhanath Swami: We are reading today from Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 8 Chapter 16 entitled Executing the Payo vrta process of Worship Text number 6. As we discussed in previous chapters Bali Maharaj rendered services to the descendents of Brghu, brahmanas and received in reciprocation their heartfelt blessings. Those blessings gave him extraordinary power by… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on "Principles of Hospitality"

91-152-Perfect Wife (SB 8.22.16)(Mumbai)

śrī-prahlāda uvāca tvayaiva dattaḿ padam aindram ūrjitaḿ hṛtaḿ tad evādya tathaiva śobhanam manye mahān asya kṛto hy anugraho vibhraḿśito yac chriya ātma-mohanāt (SB 8.22.16)   Translation : Prahlāda Mahārāja said: My Lord, it is Your Lordship who gave this Bali the very great opulence of the post of heavenly king, and now, today, it is… Continue reading 91-152-Perfect Wife (SB 8.22.16)(Mumbai)