BG 14.19 Archives - Radhanath Swami Lecture Transcripts

90-043 'Cultivating Ignorance (BG 14.19)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

TEXT 19 “nänyaà guëebhyaù kartäraà yadä drañöänupaçyati guëebhyaç ca paraà vetti mad-bhävaà so ‘dhigacchati” Bhagavad-Gita 14.19   SYNONYMS na—no; anyam—other; guëebhyaù—than the qualities; kartäram—performer; yadä—when; drañöä—a seer; anupaçyati—sees properly; guëebhyaù—to the modes of nature; ca—and; param—transcendental; vetti—knows; mat-bhävam—to My spiritual nature; saù—he; adhigacchati—is promoted.   TRANSLATION When one properly sees that in all activities no… Continue reading 90-043 'Cultivating Ignorance (BG 14.19)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai