“anta-käle ca mäm eva smaran muktvä kalevaram yaù prayäti sa mad-bhävaà yäti nästy atra saàçayaù” Bhagavad-Gita 8.5 SYNONYMS anta-käle—at the end of life; ca—also; mäm—Me; eva—certainly; smaran—remembering; muktvä—quitting; kalevaram—the body; yaù—he who; prayäti—goes; saù—he; mat-bhävam—My nature; yäti—achieves; na—not; asti—there is; atra—here; saàçayaù—doubt. TRANSLATION And whoever, at the end of his life, quits his… Continue reading 90-038 'The Key To Success (BG 8.5)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
Tag: bhisma
90-011 'Why Bhisma Fought Against Pandavas (SB 1.9.16)' by Radhanath Swami, in Pune
“na hy asya karhicid räjan pumän veda vidhitsitam yad vijijïäsayä yuktä muhyanti kavayo ‘pi hi” Srimad Bhagavatam 1.9.16 SYNONYMS na—never; hi—certainly; asya—His; karhicit—whatsoever; räjan—O King; pumän—anyone; veda—knows; vidhitsitam—plan; yat—which; vijijïäsayä—with exhaustive inquiries; yuktäù—being engaged; muhyanti—bewildered; kavayaù—great philosophers; api—even; hi—certainly. TRANSLATION O King, no one can know the plan of the Lord [Çré Kåñëa].… Continue reading 90-011 'Why Bhisma Fought Against Pandavas (SB 1.9.16)' by Radhanath Swami, in Pune