Material world is built upon the blocks of Duality I am very grateful to be amongst all of you this evening, our special gratitude to Yash and Avanti and their family for opening the doors of their home for about one thousand five hundred friends and devotees. We all look forward to this evening throughout… Continue reading 09-011 'Dive Deeper beyond Superficialities of Life' By Radhanath Swami at Birla House in Mumbai
Tag: birla house
90-078 ‘Surrendering Everything’ by Radhanath Swami at Birla House, Mumbai
Occasion: Lord Vamandeva’s Appearance Day Glorification of Lord Vamanadeva by Srila Jayadveva Goswami “Keçava dhåta-Vämana-rüpa Jaya Jagadéça Hare”. Today we are singing a beautiful prayer which is offered in great devotion by that great vaisnava acarya Srila Jayadeva Goswami. Jayadeva Goswami is very famous for his beautiful glorification of Vrindavan Lila of Sri Sri Radha… Continue reading 90-078 ‘Surrendering Everything’ by Radhanath Swami at Birla House, Mumbai