Radhanath Swami explains owing to ignorance, one does not know that this material world is a miserable place where there are dangers at every step. Out of ignorance only, less intelligent persons try to adjust to the situation by fruitive activities, thinking that the resultant actions will make them happy. They do not know that… Continue reading Center Marriage Life Around Krsna by Radhanath Swami
Tag: birth
90-055 'Maya comes in disguise' by Radhanath Swami
Om namoh bhagavate vasudevaya Medicine for the conditioned soul Glorification of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is performed in the parampara system i.e. it is conveyed from spiritual master to disciple. Such glorification is relished by those no longer interested in the false, temporary glorification of this cosmic manifestation. Descriptions of the Lord are the… Continue reading 90-055 'Maya comes in disguise' by Radhanath Swami