bumble bee Archives - Radhanath Swami Lecture Transcripts

90-003 'Dont Be Like A Bumble Bee (SB 7.13.35-36)' by Radhanath Swami' in Mumbai

TEXT 35 madhukära-mahä-sarpau loke ‘smin no gurüttamau vairägyaà paritoñaà ca präptä yac-chikñayä vayam TRANSLATION The bee and the python are two excellent spiritual masters who give us exemplary instructions regarding how to be satisfied by collecting only a little and how to stay in one place and not move. TEXT virägaù sarva-kämebhyaù çikñito me madhu-vratät… Continue reading 90-003 'Dont Be Like A Bumble Bee (SB 7.13.35-36)' by Radhanath Swami' in Mumbai