Radhanath Swami reads from Srimad Bhagavatam in whilc Dharma [in the form of a bull] asked: Madam, are you not hale and hearty? Why are you covered with the shadow of grief? It appears by your face that you have become black. Are you suffering from some internal disease, or are you thinking of some… Continue reading Radhanath Swami says "Be Dear to the Devotees"
Tag: Causeless Mercy
Radhanath Swami On Power of Bhakti
Radhanath Swami explains How a great devotee sees every living entity equally and ensures their well being. Dharma in the form of a bull asked: Madam, are you not hale and hearty? Why are you covered with the shadow of grief? It appears by your face that you have become black. Are you suffering from some… Continue reading Radhanath Swami On Power of Bhakti