Mercy through surrender The only qualification we have is the mercy of our acharyas It is not by ordinary good fortune, even that which is attained by life times of austerities, highest activities, giving in charity; it is only by the causeless mercy of the spiritual master & lord Krsna that anyone could come to… Continue reading 01-11- 'Mercy through surrender' Lecture by Radhanath Swami at Chir Ghat
Tag: chir ghat
01- 02 – 'Chir Ghat Lecture' by Radhanath Swami in Vrindavan Yatra
Lord’s pastimes at Sringarvat Just here in Sringarvat in tenth canto of Srimad Bhagvatam our acharyas teach us that the Summum Bonum of all spiritual realization is revealed in the five chapters of Krsna’s rasa lila. It is a very exalted topic that can only be understood after deep devotion, total surrender to the order… Continue reading 01- 02 – 'Chir Ghat Lecture' by Radhanath Swami in Vrindavan Yatra