“ahaà ca gäyaàs tad-vidvän strébhiù parivåto gataù jïätvä viçva-såjas tan me helanaà çepur ojasä yähi tvaà çüdratäm äçu nañöa-çréù kåta-helanaù” Srimad Bhagavatam 7.15.72 SYNONYMS aham—I myself; ca—and; gäyan—singing the glories of other demigods rather than those of the Lord; tat-vidvän—knowing very well the art of singing; strébhiù—by women; parivåtaù—being surrounded; gataù—went there; jïätvä—knowing well;… Continue reading 90-037 'Don't Complain (SB 7.15.72)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai