sādhavo hrdayaḿ mahyaḿ sādhūnāḿ hrdayaḿ tv aham mad-anyat te na jānanti nāhaḿ tebhyo manāg api Translation The pure devotee is always within the core of My heart, and I am always in the heart of the pure devotee. My devotees do not know anything else but Me and I do not know anyone else… Continue reading 91-075 'The Dangers of Vaishnava Aparadha' Lecture by Radhanath Swami, in New Vrindavan
Tag: danger
90-052 'What Surrender Means (SB-08.02.31-32)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya Ittham gajendrah sa yadapa sankatam Pranasya dehi vivaso yadrcchaya Aarauamm atma vimoksane ciram Dadhyav imam buddhim athabhyapadyata When the king of the elephants saw that he was under the clutches of the crocodile by the will of providence and being embodied and circumstantially helpless, could not save himself from danger, he… Continue reading 90-052 'What Surrender Means (SB-08.02.31-32)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai