devotion Archives - Radhanath Swami Lecture Transcripts

Radhanath Swami on Teachings of Lord Rama

Radhanath Swami on How Krsna Consciousness process brings change in society   I would like to first of all offer my great thankfulness to all of you who are so kindly assembling here this evening, to celebrate this wonderful occasion in which he have come together to hear and chant the glories of the Supreme… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on Teachings of Lord Rama

Eight Sons of Mother Devaki

Only the pure devotees can know the transcendental name, form and activities of Lord Krsna due to their being completely free from the reactions of fruitive work and mental speculation, the pure devotees have nothing to derive as personal profit from their unalloyed service to the Lord they render incessant service to the Lord spontaneously without any reservation, everyone within the creation of the Lord is rendering service to the Lord indirectly or directly no one is exception to this law of the Lord.

94-001 'Unalloyed Devotional Service (SB 3.29.10)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mayapur

karma-nirhäram uddiçya parasmin vä tad-arpaëam yajed yañöavyam iti vä påthag-bhävaù sa sättvikaù   Synonyms karma—fruitive activities; nirhäram—freeing himself from; uddiçya—with the purpose of; parasmin—to the Supreme Personality of Godhead; vä—or; tat-arpaëam—offering the result of activities; yajet—may worship; yañöavyam—to be worshiped; iti—thus; vä—or; påthak-bhävaù—separatist; saù—he; sättvikaù—in the mode of goodness.   Translation When a devotee worships… Continue reading 94-001 'Unalloyed Devotional Service (SB 3.29.10)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mayapur

09-013 'Offering Krishna Flowers Of Devotion' by Radhanath Swami

  Result of Bhakti is pure unalloyed love for Krishna forever Welcome to pushpa Abhiñekha, I am very grateful to all those who have come tonight. Besides those who are in those temples room there are about four times more people at least on the roof tops and the terraces, in the front court Yards,… Continue reading 09-013 'Offering Krishna Flowers Of Devotion' by Radhanath Swami