duryodhana Archives - Radhanath Swami Lecture Transcripts

Radhanath Swami on "Principles of Hospitality"

  Radhanath Swami: We are reading today from Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 8 Chapter 16 entitled Executing the Payo vrta process of Worship Text number 6. As we discussed in previous chapters Bali Maharaj rendered services to the descendents of Brghu, brahmanas and received in reciprocation their heartfelt blessings. Those blessings gave him extraordinary power by… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on "Principles of Hospitality"

"Lord Accepts the offering of love" by Radhanath Swami

Radhanath Swami: Today we are celebrating Pushpa Abhishek- our annual flower festival. So the brahmacharis have selected this particular verse to give us a deeper sense of the profound form of meditation that you are all immersed in at this very moment. What seems to be something very ordinary- plucking flowers, petals, anyone can do… Continue reading "Lord Accepts the offering of love" by Radhanath Swami