forgetting Archives - Radhanath Swami Lecture Transcripts

09-038 'Forgetting Krishna The Greatest Crisis (SB 8.3.6)' By Radhanath Swami

na yasya devä åñayaù padaà vidur jantuù punaù ko ‘rhati gantum éritum yathä naöasyäkåtibhir viceñöato duratyayänukramaëaù sa mävatu SYNONYMS na—neither; yasya—He of whom; deväù—the demigods; åñayaù—great sages; padam—position; viduù—can understand; jantuù—unintelligent living beings like animals; punaù—again; kaù—who; arhati—is able; gantum—to enter into the knowledge; éritum—or to express by words; yathä—as; naöasya—of the artist; äkåtibhiù—by bodily… Continue reading 09-038 'Forgetting Krishna The Greatest Crisis (SB 8.3.6)' By Radhanath Swami