na yasya devä åñayaù padaà vidur jantuù punaù ko ‘rhati gantum éritum yathä naöasyäkåtibhir viceñöato duratyayänukramaëaù sa mävatu SYNONYMS na—neither; yasya—He of whom; deväù—the demigods; åñayaù—great sages; padam—position; viduù—can understand; jantuù—unintelligent living beings like animals; punaù—again; kaù—who; arhati—is able; gantum—to enter into the knowledge; éritum—or to express by words; yathä—as; naöasya—of the artist; äkåtibhiù—by bodily… Continue reading 09-038 'Forgetting Krishna The Greatest Crisis (SB 8.3.6)' By Radhanath Swami