hankering Archives - Radhanath Swami Lecture Transcripts

94-036 'Pleasing Guru By Sacrifice (SB 3.28.17)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

apécya-darçanaà çaçvat sarva-loka-namaskåtam santaà vayasi kaiçore bhåtyänugraha-kätaram (SB 3.28.17)   Synonyms apécya-darçanam—very beautiful to see; çaçvat—eternal; sarva-loka—by all the inhabitants of every planet; namaù-kåtam—worshipable; santam—situated; vayasi—in youth; kaiçore—in boyhood; bhåtya—upon His devotee; anugraha—to bestow blessings; kätaram—eager.   Translation The Lord is eternally very beautiful, and He is worshipable by all the inhabitants of every planet.… Continue reading 94-036 'Pleasing Guru By Sacrifice (SB 3.28.17)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai