illusion Archives - Radhanath Swami Lecture Transcripts

Appearance of Krishna in Our heart by Radhanath Swami

Within Vasudeva’s heart, affection for his son and knowledge of the Supreme Lord’s transcendental nature both awakened. In the beginning Vasudeva thought, “Such a beautiful child has been born, but now Kaḿsa will come and kill Him.” But when he understood that this was not an ordinary child but the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he became fearless.

91-007 'Smashing the Illusion of False Ego (BG 5.7) by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

yoga-yukto viçuddhätmä vijitätmä jitendriyaù sarva-bhütätma-bhütätmä kurvann api na lipyate (BG 5.7) Synonyms (yoga-yuktah — engaged in devotional service; visuddha-atma — a purified soul; vijita-atma — self-controlled; jita-indriyah — having conquered the senses; sarva-bhuta — to all living entities; atma-bhuta-atma — compassionate; kurvan api — although engaged in work; na — never; lipyate — is entangled)… Continue reading 91-007 'Smashing the Illusion of False Ego (BG 5.7) by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

91-007 ‘Smashing The Illusion Of False Ego (BG 5.7)’ Lecture by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

 [BG 5.7] yoga-yukto viçuddhätmä vijitätmä jitendriyaù sarva-bhütätma-bhütätmä kurvann api na lipyate Synonyms (yoga-yuktah — engaged in devotional service; visuddha-atma — a purified soul; vijita-atma — self-controlled; jita-indriyah — having conquered the senses; sarva-bhuta — to all living entities; atma-bhuta-atma — compassionate; kurvan api — although engaged in work; na — never; lipyate — is entangled)… Continue reading 91-007 ‘Smashing The Illusion Of False Ego (BG 5.7)’ Lecture by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

90-056 'Vaishnava Has Faith (SB 08.05.47)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

kleça-bhüry-alpa-säräëi karmäëi viphaläni vä dehinäà viñayärtänäà na tathaivärpitaà tvayi   ananyäç cintayanto mäà ye janäù paryupäsate teñäà nityäbhiyuktänäà yoga-kñemaà vahämy aham   Lord Shri Krsna tells us in the Bhagavad Gita that “for my devotee who surrenders unto me, I will protect what he has and carry what he lacks” .It is the power and… Continue reading 90-056 'Vaishnava Has Faith (SB 08.05.47)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai