Lord Shri Krishna explain the very purpose in which the Lord descends in this world. He explains that this science of self realisation in which we are meant to understand our relationship with the Supreme (Lord Shri Krishna) is a great mystery. And only one who accepts the humble position of the Lord’s devotee, the… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on Need of the Hour
Tag: janmashtami
Pastimes of Lord Krishna
Radhanath Swami explains the reason for Lord Krishna’s descent to this material world: He does not come to this world to try to enjoy the resources of material nature. In the spiritual world of Vaikuntha, the Lord is eternally engaging in the most blissful, loving exchanges with the pure souls who are His eternal devotees.… Continue reading Pastimes of Lord Krishna
Childhood Pastimes of Krishna
sa vä idaà viçvam amogha-lélaù såjaty avaty atti na sajjate ‘smin bhüteñu cäntarhita ätma-tantraù ñäò-vargikaà jighrati ñaò-guëeçaù (SB 1.3.36) TRANSLATION The Lord, whose activities are always spotless, is the master of the six senses and is fully omnipotent with six opulences. He creates the manifested universes, maintains them and annihilates them without being the least… Continue reading Childhood Pastimes of Krishna
90-026 'Vyasa Puja BVM' Lecture by Radhanath Swami
Vyas Puja Of Srila Prabhupada My sincere gratitude to all of you, who have come to dedicate this precious moment of our human life to attend this most important celebration of the vyas puja or the appearance day of Srila A.C.Bhaktivendanta Swami Prabhupada his divine grace. This beautiful facility that we are all getting such… Continue reading 90-026 'Vyasa Puja BVM' Lecture by Radhanath Swami