tejasä te ‘viñahyeëa bhüri drañöuà na çaknumaù hataujasä mahä-bhäga mänanéyo ‘si dehinäm (SB 10.51.34) Synonyms tejasä—because of the effulgence; te—Your; aviñahyeëa—unbearable; bhüri—much; drañöum—to see; na çaknumaù—we are not able; hata—diminished; ojasä—with our faculties; mahä-bhaga—O most opulent one; mänanéyaù—to be honored; asi—You are; dehinam—by embodied beings. Translation Your unbearably brilliant effulgence overwhelms our strength,… Continue reading 94-012 'Krishna Will Not Abandon His Devotees (SB 10.51.34)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
Tag: Krishna
94-003 'Lord Krishna – The Only Controller (SB 01.15.29)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
väsudeväìghry-anudhyäna- paribåàhita-raàhasä bhaktyä nirmathitäçeña- kañäya-dhiñaëo ‘rjunaù Translation Arjuna’s constant remembrance of the lotus feet of Lord Çré Kåñëa rapidly increased his devotion, and as a result all the trash in his thoughts subsided. Purport Material desires in the mind are the trash of material contamination. By such contamination, the living being is… Continue reading 94-003 'Lord Krishna – The Only Controller (SB 01.15.29)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
91-122 'Teaching From Govardhan Lila' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
Lord Chaitanya Receives Govardhan Shila : The Personality of Godhead, Shri Krishna, incarnated as Govardhan hill and how special the Govardhan hill is to the devotees of Shri Krishna. In the Caitanya Caritamrita, it tells us, how one devotee once came from Vrindavan to Jagannath Puri with one small stone from Govardhan hill. Govardhan or… Continue reading 91-122 'Teaching From Govardhan Lila' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
04-15 'The seven main Temples of Vrindavan' by Radhanath Swami
Today we have the Lord’s special mercy. We will be visiting the Radha Govindadev Mandir, Sri Radha Gopinath Mandir, Sri Radha Raman Mandir, Sri Radha Gokulanand Mandir, Gopeswar Mahadev Mandir and Bamsi Vat. I will speak something briefly of my ………. to understand the significant of these places and deepen our appreciation and our devotion… Continue reading 04-15 'The seven main Temples of Vrindavan' by Radhanath Swami
04-56 'The Killing of Pralambasura' Lecture by Radhanath Swami
HH RADHANATH SWAMI Krishna and the cowherd boys would play to give pleasure to each other because in Vrindavan everything is a reciprocation of pure ecstatic love: Some distance from here Krishna, Balaram and the cowherd boys were herding their calves. While herding their calves they would play so many wonderful games. In fact Krishna… Continue reading 04-56 'The Killing of Pralambasura' Lecture by Radhanath Swami
04-35 'The Sacred Lake of Nandagaon' by Radhanath Swami
HH RADHANATH SWAMI Pavan Sarovar Just at the base of Nandeshwar here, the mountain on which rests the eternal home of Sri Krsna, Balarama, Nanda, Yashoda, we are seated at Pavan Sarovar. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu personally came, bathed and worshiped this Holy place. Why is it so Holy? It is explained by Vrindavana Das Thakur… Continue reading 04-35 'The Sacred Lake of Nandagaon' by Radhanath Swami
04-32 'Rupa Goswami's Beautiful Bhajan Kutir' by Radhanath Swami
PROPRIETOR OF VRINDAVAN Is there a more beautiful place in the fourteen worlds and this is what we conceive with these eyes. If only we had eyes that were anointed with the ornament of love then we would see that beautiful Chintamani forest of the Vraj. Every tree is Kalpabriksha trees were every particle of… Continue reading 04-32 'Rupa Goswami's Beautiful Bhajan Kutir' by Radhanath Swami
04-29 'Sri Mukta Carita – The Pearl Pastime' by Radhanath Swami
HH RADHANATH SWAMI Raghunath Das Goswami Srila Raghunath Das Goswami was the son of Govardhana Majumadiar. His uncle was Hiranya. They were great landowners in the Krishnapur division of Saptagram in west Bengal. Their fortune was immense. And Raghunath was the sole heir. Balarama acharya and Yadunandana acharya, his father’s Guru and priest, brought Raghunath… Continue reading 04-29 'Sri Mukta Carita – The Pearl Pastime' by Radhanath Swami