
09-031 'Fulfilling The Reason For Krishna's Appearance' by Radhanath Swami

SB 10.3.27 martyo måtyu-vyäla-bhétaù paläyan lokän sarvän nirbhayaà nädhyagacchat tvat pädäbjaà präpya yadåcchayädya susthaù çete måtyur asmäd apaiti SYNONYMS martyaù—the living entities who are sure to die; måtyu-vyäla-bhétaù—afraid of the serpent of death; paläyan—running (as soon as a serpent is…

09-029 'Become Hungry For Krishna (SB 8.01.20-29)' By Radhanath Swami

SB 8.1.20 tatrendro rocanas tv äséd deväç ca tuñitädayaù ürja-stambhädayaù sapta åñayo brahma-vädinaù During the reign of Svärociña, the post of Indra was assumed by Rocana, the son of Yajïa. Tuñita and others became the principal demigods, and Ürja, Stambha…

91-109 'Different Energies of Lord Krishna (CC Adi Lila 1.53)' by HH Radhanath Swami

aham eväsam evägre nänyad yat sad-asat param paçcäd ahaà yad etac ca yo ’vaçiñyeta so ’smy aham   Translation  Sat means “effect,” asat means “cause,” and param refers to the ultimate truth, which is transcendental to cause and effect. The…

91-107 'Krishna Always Glorifies His Devotees (SB 01.09.09)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 1.9.9)  tān sametān mahā-bhāgān upalabhya vasūttamaḥ pūjayām āsa dharma-jño deśa-kāla-vibhāgavit   Translation Bhīṣmadeva, who was the best amongst the eight Vasus, received and welcomed all the great and powerful ṛṣis who were assembled there, for he knew perfectly…

91-097 'Ascendance of the Personal World of Krishna (SB 10.1.26-28)' by Radhanath Swami

Text 26 çré-çuka uväca ity ädiçyämara-gaëän prajäpati-patir vibhuù äçväsya ca mahéà gérbhiù sva-dhäma paramaà yayau   Text 27 çüraseno yadupatir mathuräm ävasan purém mäthuräï chürasenäàç ca viñayän bubhuje purä   Text 28 räjadhäné tataù säbhüt sarva-yädava-bhübhujäm mathurä bhagavän yatra nityaà…

91-095 'Krishna's Pastime Not For Sense Gratification' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

Sri Vrindavan Dham is full of eternal bliss This verse is from Chaitanya Charitamrita, where Srila Krishna das Kaviraj Goswami, has given us through his divine eyes, a vision of the spiritual world, Sri Vrindavan Dham. Vrindavan is that place…

90-097 'Krsna is the Property of Impoverished (SB 7.13)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

A Brahman describes his past lives activities  to Prahlad Maharaj The great Brahman speaking with Prahlad Maharaj is sharing with us his realizations. The realizations by which hearing can enlighten one to detach oneself from the fruitive endeavors of this…