TEXT 77 “na yasya säkñäd bhava-padmajädibhé rüpaà dhiyä vastutayopavarëitam maunena bhaktyopaçamena püjitaù prasédatäm eña sa sätvatäà patio” Srimad Bhagavatam 7.15.77 SYNONYMS na—not; yasya—of whom (Lord Çré Kåñëa); säkñät—directly; bhava—by Lord Çiva; padma-ja-ädibhiù—Lord Brahmä and others; rüpam—the form; dhiyä—by meditation; vastutayä—factually; upavarëitam—could be explained; maunena—by silence; bhaktyä—by devotional service; upaçamena—by finishing all material activities; püjitaù—one… Continue reading 90-040 'Pleasing Krishna And His Devotees (SB 7.15.77)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
Tag: Krishna
90-037 'Don't Complain (SB 7.15.72)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
“ahaà ca gäyaàs tad-vidvän strébhiù parivåto gataù jïätvä viçva-såjas tan me helanaà çepur ojasä yähi tvaà çüdratäm äçu nañöa-çréù kåta-helanaù” Srimad Bhagavatam 7.15.72 SYNONYMS aham—I myself; ca—and; gäyan—singing the glories of other demigods rather than those of the Lord; tat-vidvän—knowing very well the art of singing; strébhiù—by women; parivåtaù—being surrounded; gataù—went there; jïätvä—knowing well;… Continue reading 90-037 'Don't Complain (SB 7.15.72)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
90-032 'The Real Vairagya (SB 7.15.46)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
TEXT 46 “nocet pramattam asad-indriya-väji-sütä nétvotpathaà viñaya-dasyuñu nikñipanti te dasyavaù sahaya-sütam amuà tamo ‘ndhe saàsära-küpa uru-måtyu-bhaye kñipanti” SYNONYMS nocet—if we do not follow the instructions of Acyuta, Krsna, and do not take shelter of Balaräma; pramattam—careless, inattentive; asat—which are always prone to material consciousness; indriya—the senses; väji—acting as the horses; sütäù—the chariot driver (intelligence);… Continue reading 90-032 'The Real Vairagya (SB 7.15.46)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
90-027 'For His Pleasure' Lecture by Radhanath Swami
TEXT 2.3 “kåñëotkértana-gäna-nartana-kalä-päthojani-bhräjitä sad-bhaktävali-haàsa-cakra-madhupa-çreëé-vihäräspadam karëänandi-kala-dhvanir vahatu me jihvä-maru-präìgaëe çré-caitanya dayä-nidhe tava lasal-lélä-sudhä-svardhuné” Caitanya-caritamrita Adi 2.3 SYNONYMS kåñëa—of the holy name of Lord Kåñëa; utkértana—loud chanting; gäna—singing; nartana—dancing; kalä—of the other fine arts; päthaù-jani—with lotuses; bhräjitä—beautified; sat-bhakta—of pure devotees; ävali—rows; haàsa—of swans; cakra—cakraväka birds; madhu-pa—and bumble bees; çreëé—like swarms; vihära—of pleasure; äspadam—the abode; karëa-änandi—gladdening the… Continue reading 90-027 'For His Pleasure' Lecture by Radhanath Swami
90-021 'If you are looking for Krishna You will find him (SB 10.14)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
His Holiness Radhanath Swami Maharaja. There is a famous verse from the 10th canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam. This particular verse, which is one of the most often, quoted verses of our spiritual master His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. The reason is for a devotee who is aspiring to advancement in spiritual… Continue reading 90-021 'If you are looking for Krishna You will find him (SB 10.14)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
90-002 'Whatever Krishna Does Is Perfect (BG 8.20)' by Radhanath Swami
“paras tasmät tu bhävo ‘nyo ‘vyakto ‘vyaktät sanätanah yah sa sarvesu bhütesu nasyatsu na vinasyati” TRANSLATION Yet there is another unmanifest nature, which is eternal and is transcendental to this manifested and unmanifested matter. It is supreme and never annihilated. When all in this world is annihilated, that part remains as it is. PURPORT… Continue reading 90-002 'Whatever Krishna Does Is Perfect (BG 8.20)' by Radhanath Swami