leaf Archives - Radhanath Swami Lecture Transcripts

90-005 'A Leaf, A Flower, A Fruit (BG 09-33)' By Radhanath Swami

“kià punar brähmaëäù puëyä bhaktä räjarñayas tathä anityam asukhaà lokam imaà präpya bhajasva mäm”   SYNONYMS kim—how much; punaù—again; brähmaëäù—brähmaëas; puëyäù—righteous; bhaktäù—devotees; räja-åñayaù—saintly kings; tathä—also; anityam—temporary; asukham—full of miseries; lokam—planet; imam—this; präpya—gaining; bhajasva—be engaged in loving service; mäm—unto Me.   TRANSLATION How much more this is so of the righteous brähmaëas, the devotees and the… Continue reading 90-005 'A Leaf, A Flower, A Fruit (BG 09-33)' By Radhanath Swami