Relationship of the soul and God:- I thank you very much for being with us this evening, I am very much grateful for this opportunity to be in this auspicious town of Nigdi, to serve all of you. We are celebrating the ratha yatra of Lord Jagannath. This festival has been taking place since before… Continue reading 09-002 Nigdi Ratha Yatra Lecture by Radhanath Swami
Tag: lecture
90-070 'Perfect Worship of Lord Ganesha' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
trai-guëya-viñayä vedä nistrai-guëyo bhavärjuna nirdvandvo nitya-sattva-stho niryoga-kñema ätmavän – Bhagavad-gétä [2.45] TRANSLATION The Vedas mainly deal with the subject of the three modes of material nature. Rise above these modes, O Arjuna. Be transcendental to all of them. Be free from all dualities and from all anxieties for gain and safety, and be established… Continue reading 90-070 'Perfect Worship of Lord Ganesha' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
90-032 'The Real Vairagya (SB 7.15.46)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
TEXT 46 “nocet pramattam asad-indriya-väji-sütä nétvotpathaà viñaya-dasyuñu nikñipanti te dasyavaù sahaya-sütam amuà tamo ‘ndhe saàsära-küpa uru-måtyu-bhaye kñipanti” SYNONYMS nocet—if we do not follow the instructions of Acyuta, Krsna, and do not take shelter of Balaräma; pramattam—careless, inattentive; asat—which are always prone to material consciousness; indriya—the senses; väji—acting as the horses; sütäù—the chariot driver (intelligence);… Continue reading 90-032 'The Real Vairagya (SB 7.15.46)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
90-029 'The Only Qualification Required' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
We will be celebrating the most and glorious occasion of the appearance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The program will begin at 6 O’clock and of course this afternoon very few people have come because people are working very hard making arrangements for this evening. So since everyone is… Continue reading 90-029 'The Only Qualification Required' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
90-027 'For His Pleasure' Lecture by Radhanath Swami
TEXT 2.3 “kåñëotkértana-gäna-nartana-kalä-päthojani-bhräjitä sad-bhaktävali-haàsa-cakra-madhupa-çreëé-vihäräspadam karëänandi-kala-dhvanir vahatu me jihvä-maru-präìgaëe çré-caitanya dayä-nidhe tava lasal-lélä-sudhä-svardhuné” Caitanya-caritamrita Adi 2.3 SYNONYMS kåñëa—of the holy name of Lord Kåñëa; utkértana—loud chanting; gäna—singing; nartana—dancing; kalä—of the other fine arts; päthaù-jani—with lotuses; bhräjitä—beautified; sat-bhakta—of pure devotees; ävali—rows; haàsa—of swans; cakra—cakraväka birds; madhu-pa—and bumble bees; çreëé—like swarms; vihära—of pleasure; äspadam—the abode; karëa-änandi—gladdening the… Continue reading 90-027 'For His Pleasure' Lecture by Radhanath Swami
90-026 'Vyasa Puja BVM' Lecture by Radhanath Swami
Vyas Puja Of Srila Prabhupada My sincere gratitude to all of you, who have come to dedicate this precious moment of our human life to attend this most important celebration of the vyas puja or the appearance day of Srila A.C.Bhaktivendanta Swami Prabhupada his divine grace. This beautiful facility that we are all getting such… Continue reading 90-026 'Vyasa Puja BVM' Lecture by Radhanath Swami
90-025 'Making Chicago Into Vaikuntha' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
Verse: Caitanya-caritamrita ,Madhya lila 17.133 “näma cintämaëiù kåñëaç caitanya-rasa-vigrahaù” The supreme lord is absolute. The supreme lord is eternal, full of knowledge, and full of bliss. In this age of Kali Yuga, He descends into this world of duality in the sound of his name. “kali-käle näma-rüpe kåñëa-avatära”. There is no difference between the Lord… Continue reading 90-025 'Making Chicago Into Vaikuntha' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
90-019 'Glories of the Great King (SB 7.14.35)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
Text: 35 “devarñy-arhatsu vai satsu tatra brahmätmajädiñu räjan yad agra-püjäyäà mataù pätratayäcyutaù” Srimad Bhagavatam 7.14.35 SYNONYMS deva-åñi—among the demigods and great saintly persons, including Närada Muni; arhatsu—the most venerable and worshipable personalities; vai—indeed; satsu—the great devotees; tatra—there (at the Räjasüya-yajïa); brahma-ätma-jädiñu—and the sons of Lord Brahmä (such as Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanat and Sanätana); räjan—O… Continue reading 90-019 'Glories of the Great King (SB 7.14.35)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai