We have many times mentioned the names of twelve selected authorities (dvädaça-mahäjana), of which Brahmä, Närada and Lord Shiva head the list as the first, second and third in order of merit of those who know something of the Supreme Lord. Other demigods, semi-demigods, Gandharvas way. But what can the scientists know?
Tag: lord brahma
Radhanath Swami on Greatness of Krishna
Lord Baladeva said, “O supreme controller! These boys are not great demigods, as I previously thought. Nor are these calves great sages like Nārada. Now I can see that You alone are manifesting Yourself in all varieties of difference. Although one, You are existing in different forms of the calves and boys. Please briefly explain this to Me.” Having thus been requested by Lord Baladeva, Kṛṣṇa explained the whole situation, and Baladeva understood it.
Bramha Vimohana Lila
Srila Sukadeva Goswami, is addressing Maharaja Pariksit as most fortunate, because he has a great urge for hearing the glories of the Lord. He is perceiving that the names and the pastimes of the Lord they are growing newer and newer. In material life everything we do, has the nature of progressively leading towards satiation. We can enjoy something for some time but then we need something else.
90-072 'Humiliation (SB 08.07.12)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
SB 8.7.12 upary agendraà giri-räò ivänya äkramya hastena sahasra-bähuù tasthau divi brahma-bhavendra-mukhyair abhiñöuvadbhiù sumano-‘bhivåñöaù SYNONYMS upari—on the top of; agendram—the big mountain; giri-räö—the king of mountains; iva—like; anyaù—another; äkramya—catching; hastena—by one hand; sahasra-bähuù—exhibiting thousands of hands; tasthau—situated; divi—in the sky; brahma—Lord Brahmä; bhava—Lord Çiva; indra—the King of heaven; mukhyaiù—headed by; abhiñöuvadbhiù—offered prayers to the… Continue reading 90-072 'Humiliation (SB 08.07.12)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai