madhvacharya Archives - Radhanath Swami Lecture Transcripts

Radhanath Swami elucidates on Teachings of Gita in our life

Radhanath Swami clarifies upon Real Love versus Bodily Affection At the time of death Hiranayakashipu’s other sons could not do anything to help him but by Prahlad’s prayers he was liberated. So that is real love. Sentimental affection may give a little superficial peace of mind but it dies with the body. Real love gives… Continue reading Radhanath Swami elucidates on Teachings of Gita in our life

Srila Madhvacharya Disappearance Day by Radhanath Swami

Today is a very holy and auspicious day the Sampraday in which we are following is comes in the disciplic succession with originated by Lord Sri Krsna, Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura composed a beautiful song glorifying all of the illustrious personalities of our disciplic successions. At the beginning of the creation The Supreme Lord spoke this transcendental knowledge to Lord Brahma, Lord Brahmä in turn repeated the same message to his own self manifesting born son Närada.