Glories, glories to Sri Radharani, the beloved of Madhava and most worship-able of the cowherd girls of Gokula Mandala! Decorated by the dress of Lord Damodara’s increasing ecstasy, You are the lady of the house of Lord Hari and the groves of Vrindavan. From the ocean of Vrishabhanu has arisen a new moon which is… Continue reading 90-073 'Offering To Radharani (CC Adi 01.04.06)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
Tag: material nature
90-043 'Cultivating Ignorance (BG 14.19)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
TEXT 19 “nänyaà guëebhyaù kartäraà yadä drañöänupaçyati guëebhyaç ca paraà vetti mad-bhävaà so ‘dhigacchati” Bhagavad-Gita 14.19 SYNONYMS na—no; anyam—other; guëebhyaù—than the qualities; kartäram—performer; yadä—when; drañöä—a seer; anupaçyati—sees properly; guëebhyaù—to the modes of nature; ca—and; param—transcendental; vetti—knows; mat-bhävam—to My spiritual nature; saù—he; adhigacchati—is promoted. TRANSLATION When one properly sees that in all activities no… Continue reading 90-043 'Cultivating Ignorance (BG 14.19)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai