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04-05 – ‘Keshi’s Pride and Yamuna’s Mercy’ by Radhanath Swami at Keshi Ghat

HH RADHANATH SWAMI We have come for the darshan of Sri Yamuna Mayi at the holy place, Keshi Ghat. Kamsa sent the monsters here, Keshi, to Vrindavana. Actually, time and again, Kamsa was sending tremendous, powerful, mystic demons, who can assume incredible forms and create utter terror, and each time (0:01:14.3) effortlessly and then to… Continue reading 04-05 – ‘Keshi’s Pride and Yamuna’s Mercy’ by Radhanath Swami at Keshi Ghat

01-11- 'Mercy through surrender' Lecture by Radhanath Swami at Chir Ghat

Mercy through surrender The only qualification we have is the mercy of our acharyas It is not by ordinary good fortune, even that which is attained by life times of austerities, highest activities, giving in charity; it is only by the causeless mercy of the spiritual master & lord Krsna that anyone could come to… Continue reading 01-11- 'Mercy through surrender' Lecture by Radhanath Swami at Chir Ghat

01-05 – 'Glories of Shrimati Radharani' Lecture by Radhanath Swami at Shreeji temple, Barsana

Nobody can understand that love Today we surely blessed with a special fortune; Jananivas Prabhu, his holiness Chandrasekhar Maharaj may have come here for the first time. Barsana as we can see is the most enchanting land where Sri Radharani’s mercy is profusely available to all fortunate souls who come here. In the conversation of… Continue reading 01-05 – 'Glories of Shrimati Radharani' Lecture by Radhanath Swami at Shreeji temple, Barsana

09-030 'Becoming Dear To Devotees' By Radhanath Swami

I welcome everyone to RadhaGopinath Temple, especially my dear God brother Mahaduti Prabhu, very senior disciple of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, who has for over thirty years, given his life and soul to serve the Vaishnavas and spread this great mission. He was President of the temple in Downtown, London for many years. He… Continue reading 09-030 'Becoming Dear To Devotees' By Radhanath Swami

91-023 'Surrender To His Love And Mercy' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

I would like to thank everyone for coming this evening. Tomorrow is the most celebrated and special event, for those of the Gaudiya Vaishnava Sampradaya. It is the appearance day of Lord Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu. (Indistinct) yadä yadä hi dharmasya glänir bhavati bhärata abhyutthänam adharmasya tadätmänaà såjämy aham He comes in every millennium in… Continue reading 91-023 'Surrender To His Love And Mercy' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

90-076 'Spiritual Life Means Warfare (SB 08.07.01-19)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

harih purastāj jagrhe poorvam devās tato bhavan (SB 8.7.2) The Personality of Godhead, Ajita, grasped the front portion of the snake, and then the demigods followed.   tan naicchan daitya-patayo mahā-purusa-cestitam na grhnīmo vayam puccham aher ańgam amańgalam svādhyāya-śruta-sampannah prakhyātā janma-karmabhih (SB 8.7.3) The leaders of the demons thought it unwise to hold the tail, the inauspicious portion of the snake. Instead, they wanted to hold the… Continue reading 90-076 'Spiritual Life Means Warfare (SB 08.07.01-19)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

90-059 'Trust in mercy of God (SB 08.06.14)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

Om Namoh Bhagavate Vasudevaya Sa tvam vidhatsvakhila-loka-pala Vayam yad arthas tava pada-mulam Samagatas te bahir-antar-atman Kim vanya-vijnapyam asesa-saksinah   My Lord we the various Demi Gods , the directors of this universe have come to your Lotus feet. Please fulfill the purpose for which we have come.  You are the witness of everything, from within… Continue reading 90-059 'Trust in mercy of God (SB 08.06.14)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai