SB 8.6.13 taà tväà vayaà nätha samujjihänaà saroja-näbhäticirepsitärtham dåñövä gatä nirvåtam adya sarve gajä davärtä iva gäìgam ambhaù SYNONYMS tam—O Lord; tväm—Your Lordship; vayam—all of us; nätha—O master; samujjihänam—now appearing before us with all glories; saroja-näbha—O Lord, whose navel resembles a lotus flower, or from whose navel grows a lotus flower; ati-cira—for an extremely long… Continue reading 09-050 'Serving The Lord Without Demanding' By Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
Tag: Mumbai
09-049 'Yoga Of Marriage – Marriage Address To Yoga Group' By Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
We are very honored and grateful that you have chosen this most important and sacred ceremony of your life to be held here at our temple. Thank you very much. In vedic ceremonies a mantra is chanted, ‘”Om apavitra-pavitro-va sarva-vastam gato api va yah smaret pundarikaksham sah bhayabhyantara suchih’. In essence this reveals to us… Continue reading 09-049 'Yoga Of Marriage – Marriage Address To Yoga Group' By Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
09-048 'Wonderful Festivals In Kartik' By Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
Importance of the month of Kartik Haribol! Please forgive for being late but I was in another meeting. I wish to extend my very sincere gratitude to all of you for so kindly being with us on this very auspicious and special Sunday festival day. The reason this strange looking red curtain is blocking our… Continue reading 09-048 'Wonderful Festivals In Kartik' By Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
09-045 'Accept Reversals Gratefully Without Getting Disturbed (SB 8.4.2-4)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
SB 8.4.2 nedur dundubhayo divyä gandharvä nanåtur jaguù åñayaç cäraëäù siddhäs tuñöuvuù puruñottamam SYNONYMS neduù—vibrated; dundubhayaù—kettledrums; divyäù—in the sky of the higher planetary system; gandharväù—residents of Gandharvaloka; nanåtuù—danced; jaguù—and sang; åñayaù—all the saintly sages; cäraëäù—the inhabitants of the Cäraëa planet; siddhäù—the inhabitants of the Siddha planet; tuñöuvuù—offered prayers; puruña-uttamam—to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Puruñottama,… Continue reading 09-045 'Accept Reversals Gratefully Without Getting Disturbed (SB 8.4.2-4)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
09-043 'Vivek Vig Prabhu's House Programme' Lecture By Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
I am very grateful and much honored to be among all of you this evening. Thank you Vivek, for making this possible. And thank all of you for coming, with your permission I’ll speak for few minutes. I would like to tell two similar stories, that very much personified a universal teachings that thoughtful people… Continue reading 09-043 'Vivek Vig Prabhu's House Programme' Lecture By Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
09-039 'Loving Reciprocation Of Lord Caitanya' By Radhanath Swami
On behalf of all of Radha Gopinath temple devotees we welcome you to our Sunday festival. Today I am seeing devotees from so many places have assembled – Pune, Kolhapur, Nigdi, Nasik, Satara, Belgaum, Bombay. This really is a very sacred tradition of our acharyas that devotees come together from various places to perform Nama… Continue reading 09-039 'Loving Reciprocation Of Lord Caitanya' By Radhanath Swami
09-016 'Unity by Focusing on Essence' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
Spiritual life is full of humor and happiness I thank you very much for being with us this evening. Srila Vrindavan das Thakur writes that there are two particular dates in the year which are extremely powerful. For by observing these two dates we have the maximum opportunity of removing all of obstacles of the… Continue reading 09-016 'Unity by Focusing on Essence' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
09-012 'Bhakti Is All About Relationships' By Radhanath Swami at Kunjabihari Pr Residence, in Mumbai
Real pleasure comes through relationship I am very grateful to be amongst all of you this evening. Special thanks to Kunjabihari, Madhupriya, Vidhi, prerna, Shiva and this wonderful family for arranging this event. Providing us the opportunity to come together to share the most precious exchanges of spiritual relationship. Bhakti means relationship, sometimes the word… Continue reading 09-012 'Bhakti Is All About Relationships' By Radhanath Swami at Kunjabihari Pr Residence, in Mumbai